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[Story] Life as an Adult (Complete Episodes)


Life as an Adult

Episode 51

“it’s about my friend Kingsley” she muttered, stood up and faced me with trembling lips. My heart froze on hearing the boy’s name. I really didn’t know what to expect next.

“oh dear, don’t tell me you have been sleeping with him?” i prayed with fear, deeply shaken with the suspense that overcame me. She quietly shook her head and looked down.

“no of course not, but” she replied, her face drawn with a slight frown. I slowly lifted up her face, staring deep into her eyes.

“now tell me what it’s all about. I beg of you?” i asked curiously. She swallowed hard and breathed deeply one more time.

“Kingsley is very much in love with me. And he has been acting like my boyfriend all these while, especially in public. I never did anything to stop him. And when he popped the request, asking me to date him, i declined at first but he kind of insisted and i was forced to tell him that i would think about it. Ever since then, he began playing the role of a boyfriend, and the way i have been treating you lately sort of encouraged him to assume that my heart is with him. Now telling him that i’m back with you will definitely hurt him. A situation i really won’t want to experience. I know it’s an easy thing to some girls, but the truth is that i have never been in such precarious situation” she poured out solemnly. I smiled and hugged her.

“he will be here any moment because he called me earlier before you showed up, telling me that he was coming over” she added fearfully.

“telling him your feelings shouldn’t be a problem my dear. Just tell him the truth and apologize if need be” i answered softly.

“noooo” she breathed.

“yes my dear” i insisted, drew back, held her face and stared into her eyes.

“oh how much i missed your lips my darling” i breathed while she blushed.

“Val you know i have always loved you. Our relationship is not all about family pressure. It’s forged out of real love but i’m still scared you will mess things up once again” she confessed, her eyes growing dim with real passion. I gently kissed her, taking my time to savour every moment. But as we were kissing passionately, we heard someone call Adaora’s name with great energy.
We turned to see Kingsley staring at us with disbelief. We never heard the sound of his car pull up into the compound, neither did we hear him enter the room. I guess the passion Adaora and i were sharing that moment blocked our ears.

“Kingsley i’m really sorry you are finding out things this way. I just don’t know what to say right now. You have been a good friend to me. And yes i’m very fond of you” Adaora quickly said to him, breaking free from me and advancing towards him. Her words unfortunately got the guy more angry.

“don’t dare move an inch closer. Of course i now get it” he barked, stopping Adaora with his words.

“you guys just had a little problem and you used me to get back at him. You used me for your own selfish interest. Why are women like this?. You wasted my time, toyed with my feelings and played with my heart. But it’s not over. At least you know what i’m capable of. No woman toys with my heart and lives to tell the story” he threatened, forcing me to step forward and advance towards him in anger but Adaora held me back, preventing me from going any further. He scoffed at me.

“Val you are just a little fly to me. Crushing you won’t take more than a minute. Ask Adaora, my actions speak louder than my words” he shouted, turned and left with rage. Adaora quickly hugged me, shaking with fright.

“i know what he’s capable of doing. I have witnessed it first hand. He dealt with Tessy and her friends when they attacked me even though i never fully supported what he did. Nothing happened to him, and i bet he can easily do the same thing to you, just to get back at me” she confessed softly.

“and why keep such rascal as a friend?” i asked with a slightly raised voice, but she never answered.
All she did was to cry on my shoulder. I had no choice than to calm her with sweet words, caressing her hair as well.

But what’s the reason for her tears??

More at my9jarocks.info

Episode 52

“i’m really so scared” Adaora muttered as i held her. I smiled reassuringly, kissing her ear softly.

“how about we go somewhere quiet, away from the city, the noise, the pollution, the distractions. Somewhere we can stay together, all alone, away from everyone. Just you and i in a quiet place. We eat, make love, play together. We can stay for a week or more” i suddenly suggested. She drew back and stared into my eyes with great excitement.

“that sounds cool but where can we find such a place?” she asked curiously.

“baby i promise, this is something that is going to be quite different and more spectacular than honeymoon” i tuned. She rolled her eyes and breathed deeply.

“so where exactly do you have in mind?” she asked breathlessly.

“my village of course” i pronounced calmly.

“nooo!” she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands.

“of course you know there is no serene place like my home town. Our large family house will be the castle, the vast compound will be our paradise, the backyard with all the fruits and leaves will be our garden. The birds of the night will always be there to entertain us with noise and music. You will be my queen and my work will be to worship and adore you every minute” i poured out sweetly.

“you must be out of your mind Val. You must be crazy” she passionately laughed with disbelief.
“c’mon that place will be very scary. Just you and i in such a big house. C’mon have you forgotten how dirty the whole house will also be by now?” she asked with great spirit. I laughed and kissed her.

“of course and that’s how it’s going to be. Me and you, all alone, together as one. Remember my dad was also buried there. So we won’t be alone” i added while she playfully hit my chest.

“of course i know it’s going to be fun. You so much like village things” she hissed and backed me. I grabbed her from behind and playfully carried her up.

“we will set out tomorrow. A bus ride to Owerri. Then we head to my apartment, get my car and together we head to the village to enjoy the wonders of nature and beauty of love” i summarized and kissed her..

We ate and played like kids until her mum returned by 3:30pm. She really was overly delighted to see that we were finally at peace with each other. We equally told her our plans and she gave her consent. I left an hour later, headed to a nearby bank and made a huge cash withdrawal before heading to Obinna’s apartment with great excitement.
I gave my friend the good news and he congratulated me happily.

“i guess you are going to get her pregnant in the village?. Don’t mess things up this time” he suggested while i laughed..
Thirty minutes later, we headed out in search of a new beautiful befitting engagement ring for Adaora. We went to many shops until i found what i was looking for. Hmmm no need describing the ring but it was quite exquisite and cost me a fortune.

Later in the night as Obinna and I shared a bottle of wine. We discussed my future and he asked about my plans for Tessy.

“so what’s up with Tessy? Have you told her about the recent development?” he asked.

“No i haven’t and i think it’s best that way for the moment”. I answered. He shrugged and said nothing. But deep down i knew he was very worried over my relationship with such a rich unpredictable lady. Of course who wouldn’t be….

I couldn’t help but pray for the Lord’s help and mercy.

Kindly drop us your comments

Episode 53

Obinna’s Apartment

As we finished the wine and i got up to head to my room for a good night rest, a call came into my phone. I gently settled back on the chair on seeing that it was no other person than Tessy who was calling.

“hi dear” i greeted calmly.

“what’s up, I didn’t hear from you again. Are you coming over tomorrow?” she asked curiously.

“no, i won’t be coming dear, because i’m leaving town with Adaora tomorrow. We have reconciled” i opened up while she kept quiet for some seconds.

“so you settled with her and felt it wasn’t a good idea telling me about it right?” she asked with a strange tone, putting me in a tight corner with the question.

“no dear, the truth is that i was with her all through the day and I never got the chance to call you. I’m sorry” i apologized carelessly.

“big lies, anyway it’s cool. Good luck with her” she replied and hung up. I dropped the phone and smiled at Obinna whose eyes were all over me.

“Tessy right?” he asked. I nodded silently.

“brother, i know with my type of lifestyle my advice won’t worth a penny. But in order to live a full happy life with Adaora you have to let go of Tessy no matter how difficult it would be. You have to try and do that bro, unless you want more problems in future” he advised. I breathed deeply and nodded in agreement even though deep down, i knew pulling it off would require a great deal of luck, zeal and courage.

Early the next morning, Obinna and i went over to Adaora’s house to pick her up for the journey ahead. The time was exactly 5:55am when we got to her house. She was already dressed up and fully prepared.
Her mum served us tea and equally advised us strongly.

“there is nothing greater than finding happiness with the person you love. You guys should make good use of your time together to plan your future. I will be expecting to hear your wedding plans when you return. May God protect you two” she prayed sweetly. We thanked and hugged her before heading to the bus station with Obinna.

On getting to the bus station, Obinna hugged Adaora, whispered some words of advice to her before facing me. He led me a distance away from Adaora, before speaking to me.
“hey brother, i’m really happy for you. God loves you man. You have a good degree. A great family. A lovely girl and lots of money. Don’t mess things up this time. I hope to hear your wedding plans when you return” he said sweetly, shook hands with me and left….

Fifteen minutes later, Adaora and i headed to Owerri with our heart filled with dreams and love. I couldn’t help but reflect on my struggles with her as the bus slowly headed to the East of the Niger.
I equally smiled as i planned how to propose to Adaora in the village. I planned doing it late in the evening, when the stars, the moon and birds of the night will be present to witness it all.

“oh Adaora, i Love you so much” i breathed quietly. Just that moment, She threw her head on my shoulder, and held me softly.

“i love you so much my Val” she breathed, closed her eyes and fell asleep…

Episode 54

Sunday morning, Val’s family home, Mbano, Imo State Nigeria

I slowly opened my eyes as rays of light entered the room, yawned and kissed Adaora’s forehead. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me.

“Good morning my queen” i greeted. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply.

The Journey from Abuja to my village was really a long and tiring one. We were totally exhausted by the time we made it to my hometown around 8pm. We simply managed to clean up my room, eat and shower before falling into a long sleep. However the stress was worth it at the end because i finally had Adaora all to myself, away from temptations and anything that could jeopardize our happiness. I was so much in love with her and there equally wasn’t any doubt that she was very much in love with me.

“so what’s up?, are we going to be on the bed all through today?” she asked. I smiled and sat up.

“dearest we really have a lot to do today. We have the house to clean, water to pump, and food to prepare. It’s going to be one long day” i answered. She frowned and sat up.

“so what’s the fun when all we are going to do is work. You brought me here to stress me, then after you will call me your queen” she playfully complained, getting up from the bed. I quickly held her by the waist, forcing her back on my body.

“I love you sweetheart. All that is in my mind right now is getting married to you and filling up everywhere with kids” i confessed. She rolled her eyes, breathed deeply and laughed.

We spent the rest of the morning putting everywhere in order. Adaora equally showed how hard working she was by working like a horse. She really surprised me with the effort she put in making the whole house clean, showing me that she wasn’t as lazy and spoiled as i thought she her to be.

Later in the evening, we trekked round the village, played and spent great time enjoying each other’s company. We equally talked about our future and i used the opportunity to tell her about my plans in T.v/movie production, tactifully leaving out Tessy’s involvement. She really was Very impressed.

Finally after dinner, around 7:45pm, we sat outside, under the glowing security lights of our big house and enjoyed the wonderful evening breeze. For the first time in my life, i brought out my father’s old guitar and played music for Adaora. Singing songs i specially composed for the wonderful moment.

I really wasn’t good with guitar but the love and power of her smiles made an expert that very evening.
I sang of love, passion, desire, hope and our future. I told her my feelings and all i felt with my song. She listened attentively, closing her eyes over some words, and shedding few tears in some.
It was all magical as the wind suddenly began blowing as i rounded the first part of the album i prepared for my queen.

“i have never written you a love letter my queen but tonight, i present one to you. Read it and keep it safe” i slowly said with trembling lips as i gave a letter which i embedded the engagement ring on.

Her grew dim with grew passion as she read the letter, picking up the ring with disbelief. I quickly leaned forward, held the hand in which she held the engagement ring and repeated the words i wrote in the letter.

I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.
I know you’re the only one I want to share the rest of my life with.
There are many ways to be happy in this
life, but all I really need is you.
When I look into your eyes, I can see a
reflection of the two of us and the life I
hope we’ll share together.
I know my life will never be complete
without you beside me to share it.

The story of our love is only beginning.
Let’s write our own happy ending.
Will you marry me??”

“oh yes yes” she cried with great passion. I smiled and slid the ring into her middle finger. She quickly hugged me.

“this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. After so many years of waiting and hoping” she confessed. I drew back to see her eyes filled with tears of joy.

“can you sing for me all over again?” she begged. I smiled picked up the guitar and sang the exact words i wrote in the letter for her. She soon added her voice to the song and with great love we sang together, and prayed for a great future….



Thanks to you guys for the encouragement, love you…. don’t forget to invite your friends to also read about this stories, it will surely add good values to their life.

Kindly drop your comments…….



[Story] Life as an Adult (Complete Episodes)

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

seriously im not happy with the way life as an adult ended.. are you saying tessy wont look for val with d way she is? are you sayin adaoras ex will just let it go? when his threats are not empty as you clearly said?

7 years ago

Nice and lovely story

7 years ago

Nice story and there is a lot to learn from this especially for those guys like Val

Ogoke Samuel
Ogoke Samuel
3 months ago

Lovely story

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