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[Story] Life as an Adult (Complete Episodes)


Life as an Adult

Episode 46

“hey hey hey, chill bro. Are you trying to fight me or what?. You must be high on cheap weed” the insolent guy laughed, pushing my anger to the limit. But before i could react again, i heard Adaora’s voice from behind.

“Val just leave him alone please. You and I know that there is nothing you can do to him. So just quit the drama and go your own way. let me be, i beg of you” she said coldly, shocking me with her words. I turned to face her, releasing the guy in the process.

“so it has gotten to this Adaora?” i asked.

“of course what do you expect. You had your chance with me and blew it all away” she replied, hissed and walked away while i watched her leave with great bitterness.

“seriously you have to start watching your back from now. I know you aren’t ready to leave Adaora and that’s going to cost us a lot of problem. Be prepared” the idiot of a guy said to me before going after Adaora. I simply stood speechlessly for a minute as i tried very hard to control the anger and pain in my heart.
It wasn’t only Adaora’s behaviour that pained me, but the type of guy she was trying to replace me with. I knew for sure that i was way better than the guy both in character and in everything.

I left minutes after, and headed to Tessy’s house with my pains. It was by God’s grace that i managed to get there without running into any vehicle. Of course i was so dejected and broke. To add more salt to my injury, the smile on the plump boy’s face refused leaving my memory. And i really felt so empty as i managed to drag myself to Tessy’s house that strange evening.

One look at my face, a strange smile appeared on Tessy’s face. She breathed deeply, drew close and hugged me.

“i guess you have confirmed things for yourself. Sometimes the bad guy could be the person putting on a white garment. Don’t be dejected dear. That’s life” she breathed as she held me to herself……

Episode 47

9pm Tessy’s bedroom

I was close to crying as i laid on the bed thinking of how to settle issues with Adaora. The d–n girl was slowly taking things too far, and she really was hurting my feelings seriously. However one thing i failed to accept was that she could dump my silly a-s for that obnoxious guy. I kinda felt she was just only using him to get back at me. Nevertheless i was terribly wounded.


Tessy walked in, took off her night wear and smiled at me, her beautifully carved naked body hitting my eyes like a whirlwind. I breathed deeply and looked away while she drew close and climbed on me.

“i know you are still thinking about Adaora?” she asked, taking off my top and trouser. I said nothing, trying hard to control my poor spirit.

“your dad was successful in life because he spent his time thinking of how to make more money and not thinking of how to woe your mother. You better forget everything about Adaora and concentrate your thoughts on how to build yourself, your career and make money. Trust me with money, you will get to dine with all the beauties of the world. Remember i once warned you about Adaora months ago when you thought i was the devil ruining your life. Adaora is just like every other Igbo girl in Nigeria, never mind she stayed with you this long” she said softly, pulling of my underwear and kissing my half aroused D–k in a way that excited me.

“so tell me how do you feel?” she asked, swallowing my D–k and crushing my two n—–s with her fingers. My head almost exploded with swift excitement.

“let’s rock tonight and forget about our problems” she breathed seductively, rose up and lowered her dripping K—y over my D–k. I moaned loudly as i felt the hotness of her thing down below.

“i beg of you, let’s make use of a condom” i begged as she rotated her waist over me. She breathed deeply and stopped.

“fine, get one” she accepted and climbed down from my body, giving me the chance to fetch a condom, which i quickly wore before devouring her all night long. We both had great appetite for s-x which kinda made us something like birds of the same feather. But that very night, all i saw was Adaora’s image as i made love to Tessy.

By 8am the next morning, i dressed and got ready to head to Adaora’s house once again while Tessy hurriedly prepared to head to her office.

“I know you won’t like going with any of my cars, but just don’t go there to fight anyone. If Adaora still chooses to be unreasonable, simply turn and walk away” she begged, her eyes filled with care.

“you know we are yet to seriously discuss the issue that brought me to Abuja. I mean the attempted murder charge your friends are trying to pin on Adaora, but that will be when we meet in the evening” i said with a smile, kissed her and headed to Adaora’s house….


I walked into the compound with a fast pounding heart, but i soon froze as i saw the same plump boy of the previous day, dressed in suit and standing beside his car. As i stood with shock, Adaora emerged from the house, dressed in suit as well. It was obvious they were heading to a function or something like a seminar, and even though it pained me to admit. They looked good together…

“Adaora” i suddenly called out, throwing caution to the wind as i advanced towards them. They both froze with shock as i closed in on them..

“val please quit embarrassing yourself. its over between us” Adaora suddenly said, while the plump guy clenched his fist in anger. I ignored him and grabbed Adaora.

“this ends today. we have to talk” I said seriously with red eyes.

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Episode 48

“Val’s what’s wrong with you?, can’t you see that i’m heading for a job interview?, or do i look like someone going to a party?” Adaora asked seriously, pushing me back with her words. The plump guy scoffed, weighed me, turned and headed to the driver’s side of his car while Adaora gave me one last look as i let go of her.

“anything you plan saying to me should wait until i get back. I don’t have the time to listen to you right now” she said with a softer tone, breathed deeply and joined her friend in the car while i swallowed hard as i watched them leave the house…

After standing alone for some minutes, i soon got tired and went into the sitting room to wait for Adaora’s return. I earnestly prayed for her to return on time but unfortunately things never went as i hoped. I stayed till 3:30pm all alone with my thoughts until her mum showed up at the house with a friend. She really was surprised to see me and after i told her how long i have been at the house, she kind of had pity on me.

“don’t worry Val, just go home, i promise by tomorrow or next, i will invite you over for a serious discussion with Adaora” she promised, leaving me with no choice than to accept her words.

I picked up myself and headed back to Tessy’s house with a more relaxed mind.
However on my way to her house, another strange idea hit my mind. I suddenly felt it was strange staying in Tessy’s house while trying to fix things with Adaora.
“what if Adaora or her mum decides to run a tab on me?. Hmmm, God forbid bad thing” i reasoned, shaking my head with fear. I decided straight away to move out of Tessy’s house that very evening or the next day, to be on the safe side.

35 minutes later, Tessy’s Bungalow. ABUJA

As i made my way into the compound, i ran into Elinor at the gate. It really was a situation i had always tried to avoid but luck wasn’t on my side that very day.
She smiled on sighting me while i recoiled cautiously.

“hmmm the lover boy is back” she smiled. I nervously greeted her.

“Your friend Tessy isn’t feeling too well. She almost fainted in her office today. She’s feeling kind of dizzy and weak, and has also refused seeing a doctor. She’s lying on her bed. Hopefully she will pull through, but I hope you haven’t gotten my friend pregnant huh?” she asked with a mischievous smile, forcing me to smile back even though i was deadly scared.

“Tessy is a big girl. I doubt if such thing can happen to her” i answered weakly.

“of course she’s” Elinor smiled coldly, shook her head and walked away.
I rushed into the house and ran straight to Tessy’s room where i saw her sleeping peacefully. I stared at her body searchingly, not knowing what to make of Elinor’s words, going through my head at the same time, checking back on the numerous times i had s-x with her.
Of course the last thing i wanted was Tessy getting pregnant for me. I thought of her husband who she managed to keep away from me after the unfortunate incident in Owerri a couple of weeks ago. I thought of my family. I thought of Adaora. My plans, My life, My future, everything could all change if Elinor’s suspicion turns out to be true.

“God forbid” i spat out, settled on a couch and nervously waited for Tessy to wake up..

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Episode 49

An hour later, Tessy’s bedroom

Tessy yawned, turned and woke up with a sweet smile. I instantly drew close and held her hands, staring at her with concern.

“how are you my dear?” i asked curiously. She rolled her eyes and licked her lips.

“oh Val, how i very much wish that i will always wake up to see you watching over me with great care and concern. Really that’s all i do pray for. You are so sweet” she breathed, staring deep into my eyes. I blushed and swallowed hard.

“so how are you feeling?. Elinor told me you fainted in the office?” i asked gently. She smiled and closed her eyes.

“don’t mind Elinor, it was just a little attack. I suddenly felt weak as i was going through my stocks in the shop. I had to abandon everything and call her. I’m fine. I’m slowing regaining my strength. I also took some drugs when i got back. It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just stress and it happens to everyone” she answered convincingly. I shrugged with resignation and pushed her no further, even though deep down, i would have loved to ask her when last she saw her monthly circle but i couldn’t ask the question without giving her another strange idea.

“so how did it go with Adaora?” she suddenly asked. I shook my head and look away sadly.

“i couldn’t get to talk things with Adaora but i still have my hopes up. Her mum promised to invite me over so that we can all put heads together” i answered. She shook her head, smiled reassuringly and placed her right palm on my cheek.

“anything that will make you happy, is okay for me, but please use your head and not your heart in this situation” she said softly, forcing me to stare back at her. I really couldn’t help but notice a little sadness in her tone.

“i don’t know if this is the right moment to tell you about my new plan” i muttered while she stared at me speechlessly.

“Tess dear, i will be moving out of here tomorrow. You know it isn’t cool staying here with you. It’s just a precaution in case Adaora or her mum decides to get curious” i muttered carefully while her eyes dimmed with sadness. But before she could talk, a call from an unknown phone number came into my phone. I picked it up, breathing deeply.

“hey it’s Kingsley, Adaora’s new friend” the caller said with an authoritative tone. I instantly recognised his voice. It was the plump guy’s voice.

“what do you want?” i asked coldly.

“i want us to meet and talk things like men” he answered.

“so are you now ready to leave Adaora alone?” i asked.

“no that’s not going to happen” he answered swiftly.

“then we have nothing to talk about. Moreover how did you get my number?” i asked.

“val, val val. Hmmm you are yet to realise that your time is over. Watch your back bro, because i won’t let you have peace as long as you keep disturbing my Adaora” he threatened and hung up while Tessy stared at me curiously.

“who called?, what happened?” she asked, but before i could reply, a text message came into my phone from the same number that called me seconds ago.

“Adaora is mine. I take anyone disturbing her as my enemy. You won’t like what i do to my enemies. Chill out or wait for your end. I LOVE ADAORA” was the text message he sent. I read it over and over before giving Tessy the phone. She read the text message, breathed deeply and stared back at me.

“i know you need my help. So what now?” she asked with a dry smile……

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Episode 50

“no Tessy dear, i don’t need your help at the moment. Let’s wait till i discuss with Adaora and her mum. After then will i know my next move” i answered, while she nodded in acceptance.

“that’s cool my love” she murmured softly. I leaned forward, dropping a kiss on her lips. She instantly blushed while i smiled.

“so what’s up with the murder case involving Adaora?, can’t you get your police friend to drop the case?” i asked curiously. She breathed deeply and laughed.

“of course you should know already that such a case won’t get anywhere. There isn’t any strong evidence to hold anyone. Moreover Adaora’s mum has already closed the case with her money, though i know the greedy cops still visit her to extort more money. Just forget about the case” she said calmly. I heaved a sigh of relief.

Later in the evening, i called Obinna on phone and told him about my plan of staying in his apartment. He had no difficulty accepting my request, and so early the next morning i left Tessy’ s house with the promise of visiting her everyday till the end of my stay in Abuja.
Fortunately for me Tessy created no scene nor made any unusual demand. She simply let me go after a long hug.
“just know that my feelings towards you remains the same. I will do anything to make you happy” she breathed as we hugged…..

I barely had gotten to Obinna’s apartment when Adaora’s mum called on phone asking me to show up at her house as fast as i could. I quickly had a little discussion with Obinna, freshened up and hurriedly headed over to Adaora’s house with a fast throbbing heart.
I really was so nervous and excited. I simply just felt like a politician who was waiting for his election result….


I calmly walked into the empty living room, quickly spotted Adaora and her mum seated in the dinning room and instantly headed towards them. It was very obvious they have been there for hours. They weren’t eating but discussing quietly..

“you did great by showing up on time. I never knew you would come so fast. It shows Adaora means a lot to you” Adaora’s mum said with a smile. I blushed and looked at Adaora who avoided my eyes.

“i have talked with my daughter and i have listened to her views as well. Val you know we all love you. We love your family. We love your community. Since your childhood we have always wanted to make the family bond stronger with marriage. Adaora has always done her part but you took her simplicity and easy nature as stupidity. Anyway it’s all in the past. Adaora is still yours. It’s left for you to patch up things with her. Adaora dear hope you are with me?” she addressed me before facing Adaora who silently nodded in agreement. She smiled with satisfaction, got up and breathed deeply.

“I have to leave you two together. I have a meeting to attend. Please don’t fight again” she quickly added, got up and left. Leaving Adaora and i all alone.

I stared at Adaora not knowing what to say. The excitement, the joy, the happiness was just way too much. I couldn’t imagine how her mother did the magic without even needing me to say a single word to help my case. I felt overly indebted to the good old lady who i always had thought to be proud and arrogant.

“Adaora, my love” i breathed, stood up and drew close to her, placing my hands on her shoulders from behind. She kept quiet, making no effort to push me away.

“i just don’t know what to say. Thank you for giving me another chance. You are my life. I have always been messing things up and i know there isn’t anything i will say to you right now that you haven’t heard from me before. I rather say nothing” I breathed, bending to rest my head on hers. She closed her eyes for some seconds, breathing deeply.

“Val there is something i have to tell you” she said softly, freezing my heart with her words. I stared at her with all eagerness

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7 years ago

seriously im not happy with the way life as an adult ended.. are you saying tessy wont look for val with d way she is? are you sayin adaoras ex will just let it go? when his threats are not empty as you clearly said?

7 years ago

Nice and lovely story

7 years ago

Nice story and there is a lot to learn from this especially for those guys like Val

Ogoke Samuel
Ogoke Samuel
3 months ago

Lovely story

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