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[Story] Life as an Adult (Complete Episodes)


This is a continuation of the story; Life as a corper, the story continues after NYSC. If you missed the story click on the following links accordingly to read them before proceeding with this one.

[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 1 – 50)

[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 51 – 100)

[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 101 – 150)

[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 151 – 200 Final Episode)


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The story below is an exclusive work of a hardworking writer. All forms of reproduction in parts or full without prior written permission of the author is vehemently prohibited. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical or otherwise). Any form of plagiarism will be thoroughly prosecuted. whenever you copy any of our stories to ur friends on whatapp, aways tag it with our website name.

Sneak peak @ Major characters of the story…..

1) Val the major character of the series, is the first and only son of a local politician. Having attended a Seminary secondary school, he entered the university a virgin and was left under the care of a family friend’s Child {Frank} who opened his eyes to the real beauty of the World and taught him all he needed to know about women. Val Learnt quickly and soon joined the players league after his first girlfriend Christy *disvirgined *, used and dumped him. He slowly progressed into a professional, moving from one girl to another, until he met a church girl Agatha who almost turned him into a decent guy but the devil in him won in the end. He soon left Agatha and pitched tent with Chinwe whom he snatched from his not too experienced neighbour. Chinwe’s love almost tamed him but unfortunately Adaora got into the game with the support of Val’s family. It became a cat and dog game from that moment but in the end, he was forced to sacrifice Chinwe’s love and move on with the much preferred wealthy Adaora.
Things however never went smoothly for them because Adaora knew all Val’s weak spots and never gave him any breathing space.
He Finally graduates from the University and almost spent an extra year before qualifying for NYSC program which equally never went smoothly because he soon got himself into another mess by starting an unbelievable relationship with a rich society lady who equally was a divorcee. Things got explosive when Val finally tries to pull out of the relationship, resulting in bl0*d shed, crime, blackmail and more passionate scenes. Surprisingly Adaora stood by Val’s side when she learnt of the whole affair but instead of things to get better, a new girl shows up to join the fight……

2} Frank: Being the only child of his parents and growing up in one of the villages in south eastern part of Nigeria. Frank grew up as a tough fighter and was much more than a controversial and chronic womanizer to friends. He was the type of guy who friends hide their girlfriends from whenever he was in the neighbourhood, because he had no honour when it came to going after anything in skirt.
He became a professor of s-x, alcohol and gang life before even stepping foot in the university. However his rough way of life had limits, because he never participated in cultism and always had a way of succeeding in most pranks he played on women who were his major target. He also had a way of hiding his bad character family members.
In 2006 he gained admission in the university and Val became his roommate without knowing his real character.
Unfortunately his friendship with Val almost ended when Val decided to move into another apartment after he almost stole a girl from him. But as guys they soon reconciled but never lived together again.
Frank had quite a sizeable number of girls in his record, both prostitutes, runz girls, underaged girls and so on. He classified every girl as the same and never believed in love until he met Joy who almost cost him his life. Surprisingly Joy only had beauty on her, she wasn’t a graduate, neither did she come from a good nor noble family but yet she captured the obnoxious Frank’s heart.
Lastly Frank graduated and did the mandatory{NYSC} one year national service in Okitipupa south western Nigeria, which reduced his appearance in season2b of the Diary series. But towards the end of the same season he played a major role, when Val’s Lady friend; the popular madam Tessy tried winning him to her side with a job offer….
In season3 we are to find out if Frank is still as controversial as he used to be…

Sneak look @some major characters of our
Diary series…..

3} Chinwe: A very beautiful lady with a humble
character, made her
first appearance in season1 when she started
having little fights with
her boyfriend who was Val’s neighbour. She
slowly switched allegiance
and soon became Val’s secret room service girl
until the whole affair
turned into an open secret, causing other
members of the lodge
{students hostel} to impose some sanctions on
the duo. Chinwe
thereafter had no choice than to totally submit
herself to Val who
then became her only friend and lover. But
unfortunately she soon
discovered that Val wasn’t a guy to trust but
there was nothing much
she could do than to endure it all since she
squarely depended on him
for almost everything. However Adaora’s
overbearing presence soon
broke her away from Val but still the love was
never destroyed even
though the chances of her getting back with
Val remains slim. But we
never can tell what will happen in season3

4} Adaora: Beautiful, strong, intelligent,
wealthy and proud. She
seems to be the kind of girl that could tame
Val. Her strong character
in season1 and 2 were quite impressive, even
though some of her
actions were controversial in nature. However
she seemed to love Val
with all her heart and there isn’t any doubt
they would make a great
couple, plus her inheritance. Yea she has it all.
Lol 🙂

5} The Twin girl:. Nothing was known of the
beautiful, sharp eyed
girl, popularly referred to as twin girl, until the
later part of
season2 when she played a big role of working
for the powerful madam
Tessy as a spy and later playing the love game
with Val. She is a girl
to watch out in season3. Yea she brought in a
whole new energy to the

6) Madam Tessy: Rich, young and powerful, The beauty queen had everything but love. Having been forced into marriage by her parents very early in life, she knew little or nothing about love. However her husband soon divorces her, settling the pretty queen with lots of money which she invested well and within few years turns herself into a high class affluent society lady. With money, beauty and everything now hers, she yearned for love once again, and her friend Elinor, convinced and urged her to go ahead with it, but she really wasn’t so sure on how to find the ideal man. Being a rich divorcee with two children she knew most guys would only want to take advantage of her but Elinor soon changed her ideology by introducing Val who easily captured her heart. Unfortunately Val soon wanted to opt out of the relationship after having a number of relations with her but she refused letting him go because she was already in love with him which led to so many hot scenes in season2….
Let’s wait and see what happens in season3.

7) Elinor: smart, intelligent, saucy, aggressive and greedy. Elinor was just a woman who will do anything for money. She introduced Val to her friend Tessy not just because she wanted to help her friend find love but to dupe her through Val. Unfortunately Val wasn’t as broke as she thought him to be and refused playing her game, resulting in too many cold fights that could have destroyed both of them. She’s really someone to watch out in Season 2…………….

Episode 1


I finally returned home with my Nysc certificate and with the joy that accompanied it. Yea my life from day one in the university to the moment i stepped foot at home with the precious certificate really was quiet an eventful one. Nevertheless there was still a lot to accomplish and my restless mind equally was as usual filled with so many thoughts.
“Where to start, how to live, how to shape the rest of my life and so on” bugged me. I was now home not as a boy but as a man. It was time to achieve my dreams in a hard country like Nigeria.

My homecoming was celebrated as if i achieved one giant feat. Mum welcomed me with tears in her eyes while my sisters hugged me with strong emotions.
“i just wish your dad is alive to celebrate with us” mum added with great joy.
Actually my immediate younger sister was the first to complete her Nysc in the family but then just like always, it looked as if mine was done in Syria. I was welcomed like a hero, with so much joy and happiness. All the stress and pain i caused the family over the years, especially during the same one year National service forgotten.

Of course as the only son, i was always treated differently in everything. I must confess it made me quite lazy and dull in some things but yea it equally was one of the things that made me love home. However as i settled in my room later in the evening, i had enough time to reflect in my life and on some terrible things and mistakes i made over the past few months.
I was now a man, i was now a matured adult. I had my family to protect. It was now time to play my role as a father to my sisters and a husband to my mother. My planned marriage with Adaora equally was one big responsibility and goal i had to complete for the sake of my family. The family name equally was now mine to build, push up and preserve. Lastly i needed a good job or great plan to turn the little inheritance dad left me into something huge.

Yea i had a lot to accomplish, and deep down i wasn’t yet prepared for it all. But being a man comes with great responsibility and being the only son comes with a greater responsibility. Suddenly i had the urge to leave the country and spend the rest of my life abroad with Adaora, away from my past and away from family influence.

I was still thinking when mum walked into my room with a calm smile on her face. She sat beside me and held my left hand.
“we are so glad you are home. It’s finally time for you to settle down with us, run the family, get married to Adaora and raise your kids here. We will be one large family” she said with excitement. I turned and looked into her eyes, saying nothing.

“don’t tell me you plan going away again?, nothing will delight me more than you living here with me and starting your family here as well. That was the reason i have always been against you leaving the country. This house is yours and your dad won’t want nothing more than you being here with me and starting your family under my care. Adaora really understood all of it before she left the country and i believe you won’t have any problem with it?” she asked. I simply nodded without saying a word. Of course she meant the very best for me but i just didn’t fancy the idea of starting a family under her care. What makes me a man then??

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Episode 2
*continues from previous episode*

“concerning something to keep you busy. Do you plan getting a job or simply intend managing the few things your dad left behind?” mum asked curiously, while i breathed deeply and shrugged. A technical question it was and i knew quite well she was expecting the very best answer from me.

“c’mon mum you know a baby can manage Dad’s things from anywhere. Moreover you are doing a good job handling the properties yourself. I don’t plan being idle for a minute. I will try my luck searching for a good job around with the help of our family friends but if i fail to get any, maybe we will take a big risk in building up a brand new business by investing the few things we have. Moreover 2015 isn’t far away, with dad’s name, venturing into politics won’t be much a problem to me” i answered quietly. She nodded and stood up.

“Nigeria is quiet a hard country but i believe you will succeed and make the family proud. Adaora equally isn’t coming into the family empty handed. Her money plus yours will go a long way to push us up. You know with your dad’s death, the money that came into the family through politics died with him” she added.

“yea i know all that mum. Don’t worry i will make you proud” i assured her with a smile…. She breathed deeply, smiled at me and left. Just that moment my phone rang and it was Adaora calling.

“hey baby what’s up?” i greeted happily. I really wasn’t expecting her call because since she left the country, i did most of the calling.

“i’m cool dear, you are finally home huh?” she asked with her usual lively tone.

“yea i’m home but it’s kinda empty without you. Mum just left my room now” i said with a sweet voice.

“yea i actually tried calling her phone but she didn’t answer before i called you. So what’s up” she asked.

“i’m not cool. It’s kind of unfortunate that you aren’t here with us. The vacation we planned, all the things we planned doing, everything is now on hold. I hope i won’t die of grief before you return” i sulked.

“c’mon Val, nothing is killing you. It pains me a lot that i’m here without you. It’s just this terrible illness that ruined everything. Please don’t just hurt my feelings with your words. You know i’m still not very strong” she equally sulked, leaving me with no choice than to fill her head with .sweet romantic words.

“you know what Val??, i will be back when you least expect. Maybe tomorrow, next week, next month. I’ll surprise you” she promised before kissing me good night. I soon slept, dreaming about her….

Two days later, Frank showed up, looking very serious and down. I quickly felt for my dear friend. I very much knew what was disturbing him.
Since February he finished his national service which was four months ago, he was was yet to get a job and he totally wasn’t cool with it. However I equally was part of his problem by denying him the manageable Job my friend Madam Tessy offered him sometime back. I felt guilty seeing the Lively Frank looking so downcast and empty.

“guy i just ran away from home. I don’t just know what to do, where next to go or how to continue living without any job. I even tried venturing into music but guess what?. To record a track costs fifteen thousand Naira. Nothing is easy here bro, and i can’t just continue living with my parents. I even had to call Madam Tessy once again for help. I called her” he poured out as i welcomed him at the gate…

“what?, you called Tessy?” i repeated with Shock while he nodded.

“bros i’m sorry but i had to. I don’t think you understand what living without money means. It makes your body a devil’s workshop. I can’t continue leaving and waiting for work while more youths graduate every three months to flood the already saturated labour market. I called her because i got no choice anymore” he poured out seriously. I scratched my head and shrugged, of course i had no right to stop him from doing whatever pleases him but then the Tessy i very much knew, wasn’t going to do anything for him without getting me involved. Moreover the last job she offered Frank was turned down rudely without even a mere thank you from me nor from him.

Episode 3

Two hours later, Frank and I took a little walk down the street, finally settling down in a small open bar where we discussed more freely.

“so what’s your plan?. Do you plan settling here in Enugu with your family and everything?” he asked seriously. I gave him a long look before smiling.

“actually i don’t know bro. Staying at home will definitely cage me a lot. I think i will settle down in another city, probably Owerri or Abuja, hopefully get a good government job and get married to Adaora” i answered quietly.

“so what if you don’t get a government job, what then??. I thought your dad left you a lot of things?” he asked.

“yea sure he left me some properties but he never left me a business that needed running everyday. I need to be doing something productive with my life. I can’t be idle” i answered while he scoffed.

“so you need a job just to keep yourself busy while i need a job to survive. Hmmm” he breathed. I slowly shrugged in defence.

“c’mon i need the money as well . A dollar can change anybody’s life including mine. Don’t you know without a job and a bad lifestyle i could end up squandering the money you feel i have within a year. One cent is precious to me including one naira” i said humorously. He busted into laughter.

“madam Tessy told me she will be coming to Owerri before the end of next week. She equally promised to fix me up with something when she shows up. According to her exacts words, i will help you like a friend, just stick around until i get to Owerri, but you also got to help me with Val. I shoudn’t be telling you this but that your friend is a nut-case” he said to me, mimicking her tone. I laughed out loud.

“this isn’t a laughing matter. I think she’s actually going to do a lot more for me this time around. But I just don’t understand the kind of feelings she has for you that makes her notice nobody else but you. It’s not as if you are more handsome than me” he said seriously, sipping his drink.

“really i do feel scared whenever i think about my relationship with her. She acts as if there is more into it than just love. I’m not superstitious but sometimes i have no choice than to think that she needs me for some spiritual stuff. A woman doesn’t love the way she does” i expressed seriously.

“yea you are right but you still got to figure out a way to make her Love me or do whatever she wants so she can help me. You know she can do a lot more for me if only you play your cards well. You got to help me unless you are willing to feed and accommodate me till the time i finally get another job” frank said with a serious smile.

“anyway i have something to confess. The main issue that made me travel all the way from home to visit you is that your Tessy equally promised me a hundred thousand Naira if i could get you to reconsider your decision and feelings. I don’t know what you did to her that made her have so much interest in you. And I can’t just keep this information from you but my guy i need the hundred thousand Naira” he concluded with his eyes on me.

Knowing Frank very well, i knew he really had thought over the words he just confessed a hundred times over. Of course there wasn’t anyway else he could get me close to Tessy other than by confessing the real deal behind his interest…..

“c’mon say something” he urged me….

Episode 4

“guy you know i’m trying to start a new life. I just don’t want to have anything to do with my past anymore. You won’t believe this but i have actually removed all the ladies i once dated from my memory. I’m about starting a new life” i replied quietly.

“including Chinwe and that twin girl you f—-d before coming home huh?. You have deleted everything abi??” he asked with a dirty smile. I shrugged, smiled and looked down.

“apart from Chinwe and the twin girl” i admitted slowly.

“so what’s really going on between you and that girl. I mean the twin?. You really said quite a lot about her when we chatted some days ago” he asked anxiously.

“i can’t really say for sure the kind of relationship we are practising. She’s a good girl and we are just friends” i confessed.

“anyway how do i go about with Tessy’s demand. You know the money involved is quite a huge sum i can’t ignore?” he quickly returned to the old topic.

“i know you will sell me for money huh?” i accused while he laughed.

Three days later, i headed back to Owerri with Frank. It really wasn’t easy convincing my mother to let me travel but in the end she had no choice than to let me be. After all i was an adult and a man.

“i can’t stop you from leaving but don’t let friends deceive or run your life for you. Everyone has his own life to live, i trust you” she advised as i kissed her goodbye.

On getting to Imo state, Frank begged me to drive over to Joy’s family house instead of heading straight to Owerri {the Imo state capital}. I felt like asking him some questions about Joy but on a second thought decided to keep my questions to myself.
My friend’s relationship with Joy really was full of mysteries. But the most shocking part of it all was learning that my good friend used part of the money he made from his National service to pay part of the girl’s dowry. Of course he hid the whole affair from me until much later when he mistakenly mentioned it.
Frank hardly kept things from me but i noticed he virtually kept everything concerning Joy from me. Just like i said in the previous season, the girl was way below my friend’s level. The only thing she had in her was just beauty. Her family background and education was very poor, nevertheless Frank loved her and always had something good to say about her. At a time he once told me that the girl do send part of her salary as a salesgirl to him, plus so many unbelievable tales of her good deeds but as a guy i knew when to pick out lies from a statement…
Deep down i knew something wasn’t right in the relationship but since i never accepted the girl as the ideal woman for my friend, i felt my feelings were one sided and so kept everything to myself.

“since we are heading to Joy’s house, i believe we will first stop at your house which is along the way?” i asked, breaking the silence between us.

“no drive on, there’s no need stopping at my house” he answered.

On getting to Joy’s house, we noticed about three cars parked in front of the building. Frank’s face instantly coloured up as we headed into the compound. A little girl soon dashed out of the building, holding a small garden egg with her left hand.

“hey what’s happening inside?” Frank quickly asked the little girl.

“the people inside came to marry sister Joy” she replied in vernacular while my friend froze with shock. I simply watched on, not understanding a thing.

Of course my dear friend Frank knew much more than he was willing to share with me and I just couldn’t understand the reason he preferred keeping things concerning Joy away from me, knowing fully well that he was dealing with an illiterate family that only wanted to sell their beautiful daughter to the highest bidder….

Episode 5


“what do you think?” Frank suddenly asked me. I breathed deeply and shrugged.

“i think we should head back to Owerri. You can’t just walk in there to create a scene. You can return tomorrow or next to talk with your girl’s family” i answered.

“but you just heard that some guys are in there for my girl who i have already done the necessary wine carrying rites for. Her family isn’t supposed to welcome any other suitor in that house” he barked furiously.

“well with the little i know about tradition, i do know that since you are yet to complete all the necessary marriage rites, her family is still entitled to receive suitors who come for your girl, but i think custom equally demands them to tell the new suitor the real situation of things and i believe no good family will accept any gift from a new suitor after having collected something from another suitor” i answered.

“i guess you are right, but you already know Joy’s family is far from decent. I bet they can accept gifts from ten suitors. I ought to go in there” he proclaimed, taking a step forward but i quickly held him.

“let’s go bro. It’s meaningless heading into a fight you will surely lose. We can come back tomorrow” i begged. He bit his lips, pulled out his phone from his trouser pocket and dialled a number.

“i’m calling Joy” he said with a broken tone. I looked at him curiously and shrugged. Of course i really didn’t know the true situation of things between my friend and his girl. I couldn’t even recollect the last thing he told me concerning Joy’s whereabout. Whether she was in Portharcourt, Owerri or in the village. I just didn’t know.
“oh Frank” i breathed with resignation.

“Her phone number isn’t connecting. I guess we have to go” Frank finally said with a sad expression. I smiled and headed back to my car while he slowly followed…..

I refrained myself from asking him questions concerning Joy’s whereabout as we headed back to Owerri and he equally never said anything on the topic. All he did was to keep trying the girl’s phone number until it connected. They ended up fighting over the phone, Frank with his usual bad temper rained abuses on her while i was left wonder what could have happened supposing she was within his reach that very moment……

On getting to Owerri, i spent the rest of the evening with my computer, doing the normal blogging stuff that was slowing becoming part of my routine while Frank locked up himself with his own thoughts…..

Early the next day, he begged and got me going back to Joy’s village with him. Of course i really wasn’t comfortable with it but had no choice than to play out the role of a good friend….
But Unfortunately, on getting to the girl’s house, we saw the whole family gathered outside with some relatives whispering together. Joy’s mother was carrying the last child of the family who looked half dead in her hands….

“i don’t know what’s wrong with this boy, from the day i gave birth to him he has given me nothing but trouble. From one sickness to another. Chai God what did i do” she cried, while two women consoled her.

“you have to take him to the General hospital. Thank God you inlaw is already here to help” one of the women said on sighting frank who i knew felt like disappearing right away.
He had not more than one thousand Naira $6 with him that morning and gave me five hundred Naira $3 for fuel before we embarked on the journey, which left him with only five hundred Naira that very moment…

“Thank God you are here” his mother inlaw, breathed with a sigh of relief…

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

seriously im not happy with the way life as an adult ended.. are you saying tessy wont look for val with d way she is? are you sayin adaoras ex will just let it go? when his threats are not empty as you clearly said?

7 years ago

Nice and lovely story

7 years ago

Nice story and there is a lot to learn from this especially for those guys like Val

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