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Erotic Story/Mae Wilde: Mistress Bitch! (Chapter 9)



“That Chisonari’s fiance couldn’t take his eyes off you. Do you guys know each other before?” Jabita said in her ear as she supervised the desserts. Mimi was an expert baker and had been away in France getting her culinary certificate while her family were marrying her big sister off.

She had baked all the desserts, that was the only thing she had agreed to do at this sham of a thing and she did it because she loved to bake, not because anyone of them deserved to eat her delicious, mouth watering sweets for free.

She had to give her sister credit though – she always insisted on buying her cakes – she genuinely loved them. They were not close at all, but she had always supported her unlike her parents, scratch that, her father.

Mimi turned to face her friend, a guilty and unsure look on her face. Jabita narrowed his eyes at his friend that he knew like the back of his hand. Shaking his head, he frowned.

“Mimi, what did you do?” He hushed. Mimi was just about to respond when a shadow loomed over them.

Adewale approached carefully, not wanting to scare her off. Jabita saw her attention shift and turned to see Adewale walk towards them.

“Need me to get rid of him?” he whispered to her. she was transfixed on his face, the laugh lines by his mouth as it creased in a small smile, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t say a word.

“I just want to talk” Adewale said, Mimi looked at her best friend and he looked back and silently she communicated with him what she needed. He gathered the rest of the dishes and proceeded to keep people as far away from her bakery as possible.

The minute they were alone, he pulled her to him without a second thought and smashed his lips against hers, she fell into the strong arms and kissed him back with as much fervor and hunger as he was. He touched her everywhere he could reach and groaned low when she pulled away. He did not expect the resounding slap she gave him next.

“I guess I deserved that” He said rubbing his face but not able to take the smile off his face. knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Stay the fuck away from me” Mimi growled and with that she left him standing in the middle of the room very perplexed.

Maybe it was the Hennessey he had downed again and again the night before or the slap he had received two nights before that but Adewale hadn’t been thinking straight. Since he’d held her in his arms for the shortest of times and she had walked away from him, he hadn’t been himself.

She was messing with him and he wanted to find out why – she must be feeling like he did, she just had to!

Benita “Kitty” Ezenna prided herself in her talents. She knew she was good at her job, she did it well and it was evident in the fact that they always came back. Her favourite customer was Adewale Ogunniyi, not just because he was heavy with the cash but because he was – simple.

He didn’t ask her for anything, he didn’t come back professing his undying love for her, he always insisted on a condom and he was fine if she was too busy any night he came. It was this attitude that made her want to “service” him every time he asked of her.

Sometimes he didn’t, sometimes he just came and watched the girls dance, tipped the usual or even more, made a raucous with his friends and left. Today however his mind was far far away and she didn’t like it one bit.

On a good day, he was an excellent lover, he did everything he did to perfection. Making sure that she had the utmost pleasure as well as he. Others just wanted her to make them cum because hell, they were paying good money for it.

Adewale usually went crazy when her lips so much as touched his dick but today he made no sound. He was still, his eyes open and his mind deep in thought.

She stopped and pulled away and thankfully, it got his attention.

“Why did you stop?” He murmured annoyed.

She smiled at him and sat back on her heels tilting her head to the side like she would when she wanted to contemplate something, her breasts were still glistening with the oil she had applied during her show.

“You are not here” She said simply, he stared back at her incredulously

“What does that one mean?” she decided to tread carefully, he was just a customer, his personal business was not hers, still the look on his face called her. she wanted him to find solace in her, she wanted him to lazy on her large breasts and tell him everything!

He might have sensed what she meant because he sighed and said with a huff.

“I am not paying you to be a psychiatrist Kitty”, she got up and stood in front of him, her arms akimbo. She was slightly irritated, why she didn’t know.

“I will send in one of the other girls to finish you up” She said then she turned to leave, he realised the insensitivity of the whole thing and he immediately went after and grabbed her arm pulling her back against his chest. He held the slick round breasts in his hands and rubbed slowly, taking his time on her nipples as he knew she loved.

“I am sorry love, I have a lot on my mind” He said softly, bending down and licking her neck gently so that she gave a soft gasp. She didn’t respond to this, she wanted him to realise that he needed her on his own instead she just stood there and enjoyed this side of him that she had come to like.

He squeezed her breasts harder, and pulled her tighter to himself, his tongue caressed her earlobe, sucking on it and forcing a sound out of her.

“That’s my girl” he growled as he led them slowly to the table at the far corner of the V.I.P room. “do you want me to go in baby? I know you’ve missed me” he added.

This was new, Kitty had never heard him talk like this. In fact he didn’t say much most times with her, he just loved her body in ways she had only dreamed of. He bent her down low over the table then without waiting for her response began to rub her breasts some more, slowly massaging the fuck out them.

She couldn’t help it, he was good at what he did and no matter how distant he was now, she couldn’t punish him by keeping silent, she would only punish herself. she let out a soft moan as he made her pussy even wetter, she was about to beg him to take her hard and fast when he pulled hard on her nipples, and that caused her to yelp in both unbearable pain and wild pleasure.

She was going to lose her mind if he didn’t enter her immediately!

“Want some of this?” Came the soft growl again. She felt his thick, hard muscle against her butt cheeks after he’d said that, if only he could just shut up and tear her ass up like he usually did, she was meant to satisfy him and not the other way around but for goodness sakes!

He got her there every time! She pushed her ass back against his pelvis to encourage him and breathed out deeply

“Yes daddy, please fuck me hard, now” she murmured but loud enough for him to hear. He didn’t waste any time adhering to this request.

He had been hard for a long time, wanting only the one woman his mind hadn’t been able to erase since he set eyes on her, since he touched her, since he’d kissed her.

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