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[Story] Ogechi & I (Complete Episodes)


Ogechi & I


Like I was saying before the fly flew in, that action of hers provoked a powerful response from my body system, and I proceeded to act on the thought which the strange voice had played in my mind. I knelt on the bed, looked her in the eyes and smiled, but she didn’t return my smile, neither did she frown or make any objections. Just then, the song that was playing from the laptop ended, and another one began. The new song that started playing was actually one of mine, and the lyrics to the song altered a lot. It lifted the present at atmosphere and dropped another. This is how the lyrics go;

The reason a thing is loved is the reason it is HATED.
The reason a thing is praised is the reason it is PERSECUTED.

There are doves and serpents EVERYWHERE,
If I could fly, I’d be the one the sky would call my DEAR,
I would be flying with the eagles in the AIR,
And I wouldn’t even shrink out of FEAR.
But I’m down HERE,
Sounding so loud, hope u can HEAR?
The gospel is what I SHEAR,
You know that the end of all things is NEAR,
So tell it to the ones u hold DEAR,
That they may fear what you FEAR,
& wear righteousness as you WEAR.
Tell them that have ears to HEAR,
For no one knows the day, the month or the YEAR,
When the saints of the Lord will DISAPPEAR.
I pray I’ll be one of them, Oh! How hard it seems to PERSEVERE,
How I wish the only thing I had to stay away from was BEER,
But it isn’t, because I look around and see temptations EVERYWHERE,
Too much pressure from a group called PEER,
So much that even when I sleep, in my dreams they APPEAR,
But nah, in all these things I’m still HERE,
& I am not going anywhere until I’m caught up in the AIR,
Not just I, but all whom to God’s word have not turned a deaf EAR

As soon as I heard just the first verse of that song, I relented, lay on the bed beside her and released the deep breathe I had taken in. After about five to six minutes of silence, Ogechi said; I’m proud of you. And again she said; goodnight. I replied her goodnight and we retired to bed, music still playing. We didn’t pray that night.

By the time I woke up the next morning she was already prepared to leave. You’re up already? I asked shyly. Yes I am. I have to hurry home and prepare for school. She didn’t in any way seem disappointed at me like I thought she would, so I bottled up the apology I wanted to tender to her. Or could she have been hiding her feelings? I couldn’t help but feel guilty, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong, so to speak. Just that she didn’t even expect me to put up such act. But then, she said she was proud of me. Many thoughts just kept running through my mind, and I didn’t know which one to settle with. So I dismissed them all and concluded that I would take whatever comes as a result of what I had done. After all, whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap. Alright then, I replied. Let me escort you to a cab. Okay, she responded sharply. As we worked down discussing, the usual flow in our conversation was absent. I would say a thing and she would respond, and then they’ll be silence for about 30 seconds. She would also say something of which I would respond to before the silence continues.

That’s how it was until she boarded a cab home. We said goodbye to each other, and it sounded like goodbye forever. As I walked back home I met two guys who started hailing me unstoppable. I wondered why they did so. I just moved in yesterday and hadn’t made any acquaintances yet. As we closed the gap between us, they started raining praises on me and misinterpreting their suspicions to suit their own purposes. Well, that’s left for them anyway.

I got back home, freshened up, turned on my laptop and started my normal FOREX transaction. The figures in my bank account were increasing little by little. But while the figures were on the increase, my communication with Ogechi was on the decrease, as we didn’t call each other often, and only met in church during church services, since I had become a full blown member of Christ’s Embassy. Even at that, we barely had time enough to speak to each other. I couldn’t visit her due to her brother’s presence, and I couldn’t summon the courage to ask her out or tell her to pay me visit at my house because of our last experience, which wasn’t terrible according to my judgment. But for some reason, I just couldn’t say a word in that direction.

Out of sight became out of mind. I was missing her company like hell. The money I was making could not fill the vacuum her absence left in me. Nothing was of interest to me anymore and I began bearing the burden of indescribable feelings. The more I kept trying to shove away the memories that triggered those feelings, the more I kept reminiscing on the good times we shared together. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I had to bring back those days. Truly, you don’t know what you have until you lose it.

I consulted the brightest of part of my mind on how to resolve this issue and found that the best way to get close enough to her again was by joining the choir. I made my intension to join the choir known to the choir director and he brought me in and introduced me the crew. Judging from the look on her face, I could tell that Ogechi was surprise at this development. From the night at my house till this very moment, she never acted as though she was pushing me away; neither was she coming to me. She was simply unpredictable. As soon as I joined the choir, everything went back to normal and soon enough, her brother was done with his engagements in Enugu and left. She and I were alone again.


After her bother left, we resumed visits to each other’s houses again, but we never got to spend any nights together. One of those days we got talking, and this is the record of our conversation;

‘So what made you decide to join the choir? She asked. Thought you said you weren’t good with high pitch?’

‘I’m not. But I’m ready to learn. And I can do the tenor part till I’ve learnt how to pitch high. There’s no need having a talent that can’t be used to the glory of the giver of the talent in the first place’

‘But you’ve already done so with your songs haven’t you. By the way, ever since I listened to your song ehh, I play it more often that you can imagine. That track is really breath taking. You’re really talented you know?’

‘I do. Thanks for the complements. I don’t get that often. But you see, there is no limit to what a man can do to honor
God with his abilities. I figured that doing my own tracks doesn’t require more than me to get it done except I want to feature another singer. But with the choir it’s different. The ideas are collective, and I’ll get to the chance to do more live performances than I would with my own songs, especially now that I’m not yet lunched into stardom. And this will also act as an opportunity for me to get conversant with singing before a multitude of people, so that when I become a star, I would do so with ease’

‘So now, is it about glorifying God or rehearsing for the future?’ She asked with raised eyebrows’

‘Both my dear. Both’ I replied

‘May it be onto you according to you plans’

‘Amen. What about you and your dream to reach the world through music. I promised to help out, remember? Or have you given up on it?’

‘Of course not. A lot was going on which didn’t permit the pursuit of that dream’

‘So what about now? Are there still things going which still don’t permit you do it now?’

‘I guess not’

‘Then let’s get started! On Saturday I’m taking you to the studio so you can see how things work there. Maybe you’ll be challenged when you see some people doing some pretty nice songs and will be inspired to do something too. Just tell me what you want to sing about and I’ll create suitable lyrics for it’

‘You’re so enthusiastic about this whole thing’

‘Sweet heart, it’s called LOVE. I love music, poetry, and writing. But definitely not as much as I LOVE YOU’

She was shocked beyond measure to hear me say that to her. She just kept staring right into my eyes with utter amazement and had a countenance on her face that depicted something like ‘SERIOUSLY?’ She was short of words. She just smiled softly and looked away from my face to the ground in slow motion. Perhaps, that was the time for me to empty my heart of its content, so I began;

Swiftly was my heart glued to you,
When my eyes got a glimpse of your hairdo,
Earnestly, my mouth longed to say a thing or two,
Even if it meant just giving you a clue,
That all of me agree with all you do.

Honor would it be for me, to untie you shoe,
Enter my heart and see if all I say is true,
Access my soul, search it all through,
Rate what I feel for you and see if it’s not true,
Truly speaking, I love you. I wish you love me too.

Ogechi kept staring at me as expressed my true and sincere feelings towards her endlessly. All through that time, she was smiling unceasingly. When I was done, she didn’t say anything. I believed she needed more time to ponder on all I had just said to her, so I expectantly waited for her to be done with that and maybe, give in. Or was she going to carry this over, in other to have much time to think it over? There wouldn’t be any need for that. She knew all there was to know about me already. I didn’t know whether or not to place my hopes high since she had been very unpredictable since her first and last visit to my house. I just kept whispering tender loving words which caressed her emotions to the point where her body started moving to the rhythm of my voice. Then she asked;

‘How long has your heart nurtured this truth?’ she asked

‘The moment you walked out of the bathroom fully made up on the first day I set foot in your apartment. I was watching and admiring you from behind as you left for the market. Ever since then you’ve occupied the better part of my heart.

‘Why did it take you so long to say something?’

‘I don’t know. Let’s just say I was waiting for the right time’

‘And you think now is the right time?’
‘I couldn’t think of a better time. My heart may explode if I try to hold it in any longer. So tell me, do I stand a chance?

“We’ll see about that’

I and Ogechi started pursuing our dreams. We visited different studios, went for big and small show, and did a whole lot of stuffs aspiring singers do. With time Ogechi was ready to start recording her own songs. I was not really ready to record more songs since I had a couple of them already which had not been adequately promoted. Besides, Ogechi came first in everything. So she would just give me an idea on what she wants to sing about and I would write lyrics for it, and she records. It was just a matter of time before she started writing her lyrics herself. In our course of doing all these, we met a number of gospel singers who were making waves already in the music industry. One of those days we were in the studio recording her song when a male gospel singer by name, Ck walked in to buy studio session. Ck got impressed by Ogechi’s wonderful voice and started to inquire about her. After talking a whole lot with Ogechi, he proposed to make her his backup singer in his new song, the very song he came there to do.

Ogechi was so glad to be a backup singer to Ck, who was on his to, and very close to his prime. I was also happy because the part I lead her to walk in was taking her exactly where she wanted to go. So she started meeting with the Ck more often than not for rehearsals. At a point it got so much that I became uncomfortable because she barely time to spend with me anymore. It’s either she was with Ck rehearsing, or she was with Ck’s manager deliberating on her costumes and makeup for the video of the song, since Ck intended to shoot the video of that song as soon as he was done with the audio recording. I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t even tell her how bad I felt about her directing all her attention to Ck’s song. I just waited and prayed for the whole thing to be over so that things between I and Ogechi would return to normal.

Soon enough the song was recorded and the video was shot, but it didn’t end there. Whenever Ck had any invitation to sing, Ogechi would go with him because he always sang the song Ogechi backed him up. And you know that guy had gone a long way to the top. He had almost become like the singers at the top and had a lot of fans, so there was no end to the invitations he got to sing at different places in Nigeria. This is exactly what Ogechi wanted. Just that it wasn’t her own songs she was showcasing. But at least, she was very close to that. Ogechi became known to be a good backup singer and other singers called on her to back their songs up as well.

Her voice was soon heard on quite a number of songs and she was very close to signing autographs. Ck even went ahead to get Ogechi to do an international passport, reason being that she would have to go with him if he was invited to sing there. That was done before anyone could say J.A.C.K! I was happy for her since her dreams were finally coming true, and I helped in making it happen but at the same time, I was missing her company because she was either in school receiving lectures or somewhere performing. The only time we had for ourselves was when none of those were happening, and that was rare. While she was doing all those, I was always in front of my computer on FOREX transaction, making cool cash.

The next academic session began and I was with Ogechi in the same department. Remember she had suggested to me to apply for direct entry and continue year two in her school? Well, that’s exactly what I did. This way, we got the chance to be close to each other again on a regular basis. She was so excited at that. She really wanted to be close to me. As a matter of fact, she loved it, and it was more obvious than ever. After this somewhat ‘REUNION’, everything went well between us and we were ready for everything. I and Ogechi were now formally ‘COURTING’.


Three delicious fantastic memorable fun filled years passed in a hurry and it was time for our industrial training, so we both left for our homes. I came back home. She didn’t go anywhere far. She was an indigene of Udi LGA there in Enugu. When I got home, my peeps were so excited to see me. I got back with a better bank account than ever, so there was a lot of celebrations and jubilations. With time I started missing Ogechi. Though we talked and talked on phone, yet it didn’t seem enough. We proceeded to Skype calls, and that was a bit okay for a while since I got to see her beautiful face daily. During one of our calls, she told that one of her relatives who stayed in Ghana had invited her to come over there, promising to get her fixed up in a cinema for her industrial training, and she was set to leave in two weeks. Hmm, na wa o. Must you go to Ghana for I.T? I asked. ‘Of course not! But that seems to be where there is an opening at the moment. I wouldn’t want to be far from you. But if all efforts to find an alternative turns out futile, I guess I have no choice’, she said. Okay, I understand. Next thing she said was; I have to see you before I leave to Ghana. Definitely! I replied. So how is it gonna be? She asked. ‘Would you mind coming over here’? ‘Alright’. We fixed a date for our little get together before her journey.

Just one week to the day of our meeting I got a call from her, saying that Ck, the singer, who was then at the United States Of America, asked her to come over to the US for a song he was recording. According to Ck, the Americans loved that music so much, but critics said a woman’s voice would spice it up all the more, so he decided to call on Ogechi who had once done excellently and attracted a lot of thumbs up. Out of all the female singers Ck knew, it was Ogechi he decided to call on to feature him. Not even the American female singers impressed Ck as much as Ogechi did. And the song had to be recorded as soon as possible, so Ogechi had to be in the United States in three days’ time to be back in Nigerian after her deal with Ck before heading to Ghana for her IT. So I was only waiting for her to finish up there and come back so that we could meet before she left for Ghana. She left for US in three days. We continued our audio and video calls all the while.

The song she did with Ck, titled; VOICE IN MY GENERATION was trending highly on TV and radio stations both home and abroad. She had spent three months there already and there was no sign that she was returning anytime soon. She soon got famous to an extent and created her own website in order to reach out to her fans. One day she called me and asked if we could communicate via BBM. Her reason was that she didn’t want to draw the press’s attention to herself before they documented her conversation in the newspapers since she had become a little bit famous and was mostly in the midst of other really famous singers. So we switched to BBM, and this was our conversation;

‘Hi baby’ she greeted

‘Hi. Still glowing as usual. Your dp says it all’ I complemented

‘Hahaha, I only get like that when I think of you’

‘Wow!! You must have been thinking of me the whole time then’ I said.

‘You are not far from the truth. I really have’

‘I miss you too, beautiful. What’s been happening?’ I asked

‘Nothing much, It’s just the songs and the performances’

‘You need not say. It’s all over TV and radio stations here. ‘Ck featuring Oge’. Why did you make Oge your stage name?’

‘The Americans find it a bit difficult to pronounce Ogechi, so I made it short for their sake, and now it’s everywhere’

‘Everywhere indeed. What about the song you did with Ck? I don’t seem to find it on the internet’

‘It is’ she said.

‘Well, I’ve been searching for it endlessly yet couldn’t find it. Can you give the link please? I want to have it in my phone so that I can listen to it anytime’

okay here is the link to get more stories http://newstension.com/category/whatsapp-stories

Alright. I’ll download it right after now. So when are you coming back home to me?’

‘Actually, that’s why I called for this conversation’

‘Oh really? I get the feeling you’re coming soon. That’s what you want to tell me right?’

‘Eehm.., on the contrary, I won’t be coming home anytime soon. Ck has been booked to sing at various places already, and the bookings will keep coming. As his backup singer, I need to go with him everywhere he goes. From the look of things, I might not be coming home till the period for our Industrial Training is over’

‘What?’ I exclaimed.

‘Yes dear. I really wish there was something I could do to avert this. But as it stands, I’ll have to go along with everything that is happening.

(Still finding what she said hard to believe) ‘Are you serious about this?’

‘Yes I am. I really am’ She replied

I held onto my phone without being able to type another word. She tried to keep the communication flowing but my spirit was too destabilized to chat anymore. When it was apparent I wasn’t going to continue with the chat, she just typed; talk to you later honey. At this point, the hard nut was cracked. My emotions got the better part of me to a point where I nearly shed tears. I couldn’t believe what she just said, and there was absolutely nothing that could be done. I felt like my world had crumbled. At least, if she was in the country, I would have the liberty to visit her whenever, but with her out of the country, nothing like that could happen. I was deeply traumatized for weeks. Eventually, I got over it, got involved with a theater and won a role in a major stage play titled; STOLEN. Rehearsals for the play were all I did throughout the period for my Industrial Training. Conversation between me and Ogechi reduced little by little until it was no more. We got to see each other again after the IT period was over. I went back to school first. The first quarter of the semester was over before Ogechi got back to join us from the US. She was highly respected and admired. Above all, she was also very RICH! Time alone with her became a myth. She always had people around her. At that point I didn’t know if she craved for my company the way I craved for hers. There were lots of guys around her. Rich guys, handsome guys, singers, actors, and all manner of guys lingered around her to achieve different purposes. All my meetings with her was brief and in public. When I asked to see her privately, she would promise to make out time for that but won’t eventually, perhaps because she had become a very busy person. I was confused and didn’t know what to do anymore. So I assumed that things had taken a new turn which I had to accept, and I did.

Travelling to America became like traveling from Lagos to Abuja for Ogechi. During our final year in school, she had travelled more than twenty times abroad to perform with Ck. A recording label abroad even concluded plans to sign a contract with her the moment she was done schooling. Apparently, God had made a way for her to live her dreams. I, on the other hand directed all my focus to studies and business. The only mega thing I was expecting was to be called upon to play the role I had won in a stage play, which was to be performed anytime soon. But the play wasn’t performed until I graduated from school.

The year ended in a hurry and we became graduates. I went for service while Ogechi bypassed service and travelled abroad for her contract. Ogechi and I were still in good terms, but only as acquaintances. We usually met online and would chat a little. But that happened once in a long while. I followed her work closely. I became one of her fans. I knew I stilled loved her, but at a point I murdered my feelings and thought of her to be the closest person to me that had hit the walls of fame. It was an honor knowing her. I still called her though, as an acquaintance and a fan.


I was posted to Nnewi in Anambra State where I got acquainted with a young man named Onyedikachi. I called him Onye for short. We were lodge mates and pretty much became good friends. He was the most optimistic being I had ever seen. In the face of whatever difficulty, he saw nothing but blessings and glory. He wasn’t much of a singer, but I guess that ‘show me your friend and I’ll tell you who you are’ thing came into play. We both had everything in common. We shared ideas, pursued happiness, and hoped for better days to come. Until that very moment, FOREX was my only source of income, and that weighed me down a whole lot because I had thought that I would make it in life before graduating from school. The only thing that had power enough to lift the burden of such thoughts from my shoulders was Ogechi’s call, which didn’t come in often. And if I called, some guy would pick up and say he’s her manager and that she wasn’t available.

Hmmm. So I moved the good old days to the present and revitalized my Christian living. I and Onye went to church and prayed a lot. We became church boys. We even joined a drama unit in church where I got to discover more about myself. More gifts and talents of mine emerged from my inmost being. This was really good for me because I got to know what I needed to do and how to do them. I did a lot of creative writings, some of which I documented in my blog, and others far away from a second party. However, I made myself known by people as one who does such writings. After youth service, I worked as a broadcaster in a radio station and was a bit fulfilled.

Onye, who was more of a business man, began communicating with a relative abroad, urging her to keep her promise to send him some cars to sale and start life after graduation. He normally communicated with her via Skype. One of those days he introduced me to his relative and we got talking. Our steady communication built some sort of relationship between I and Onye’s relative, who was an unmarried lady in her early thirties, and she fell in love with my writings, music and poetry. She said I couldn’t afford toend as an ordinary university graduate working as a broadcaster in a local radio station. She asked if I would like further my studies abroad. I was so excited to hear that. She made necessary arrangements and made the funds for me to get avisa and fly abroad. I testified in church and everyone was happy for me. Onye went well with the idea of studying masters abroad and as such, dropped the idea of business and joined me.

We were set to leave, and a couple of folks accompanied us to Enugu airport where we boarded a flight to Abuja international airport. Our flight was delayed for a little bit. While we sat there talking and waiting for the flight to be ready, shouts of celebration right outside the airport caught ours and everyone else’s attention. We moved out to see what was happening and found that there was a crowd around an unknown personality, probably the governor or something. We went back and took our former positions on our sits. But the shout just wouldn’t stop and as such, we couldn’t enjoy our chat because of the noise. The noise kept drawing nearer and nearer unstoppably. I wondered what sort of person could pull such crowd. So my curiosity led me outside to see who it really was, and guess who it was; OGECHI.

This girl is a bomb! Mehn, she was becoming like Michael Jackson. I was amazed at this coincidence, but that was just the beginning of my amazement. Well, I would have loved to say a thing or two to her, but for the crowd I relented and let go. I found myself a spot from which I could view her clearly. She was signing autographs, responding to the press and doing all the superstar stuff. When I looked at her enough, I returned to Onye. He asked why I went to that extent just to get a clear picture of her. I told him I was her fan, and had wanted to see her for a long time now. Our discussion continued, but I wasn’t a part of it anymore.

I was thinking about so many things at the same time. As a matter of fact, I mind travelled. What brought me back was the crowd, which seemed to be drawing close to where I was sitting. I snapped out of it and tried to understand what was happening. I saw some people pointing their fingers at me and saying things I couldn’t hear. Then it dawned on me that Ogechi had seen me. But why all the talk and finger pointing? I couldn’t comprehend. Next thing that happened was that Ogechi screamed on seeing me, ran towards me, and jumped on me. WHAT THE HELL? I m..i..s..s..e..d.. youuuu, was the first thing she said to me. I was FLABBERGASTED! Ogechi! I called out in utter amazement. Yes dear, she replied all happy and smiling.

Suddenly the whole attention was on me. The press started commenting and asking questions immediately. I was live on AIT answering questions I hadn’t planned to answer anytime soon. Oh, what do we have here, said the press woman who headed the press team. ‘This is more like a happy reunion’ do you mind letting us in on what’s going on now? She asked Ogechi. And Ogechi began talking;

‘Well, I’ve been in the in the United States for the past fifteen months. I definitely missed a couple of people at home, and prince charming here happens to one of those I’ve missed the most.

‘Wow! I’m sure he’s glad to see you too’ said the broadcaster

‘(Confused) Definitely! I replied.

‘(To Ogechi) I heard you say something like ‘Prince Charming’; can you please say more about that?’ The broadcaster asked

‘W..e..l..ll.., I will, but definitely not today. Some other time I guess’ Ogechi replied smiling joyfully.

‘That seems to me like something private’

‘You bet.

‘Apparently, prince charming here and your fans in Nigeria are glad to have you back in the country, and probably wish you wouldn’t leave again, which is not likely to happen. So can you please tell us how long we should expect to have you around?

‘On the contrary, I have come to stay. You see, my contract with my recording label abroad just expired and I refused to renew it because there are some people I really need to be with in Nigeria. If I had renewed that contract, that wouldn’t have been possible because I would still have to stay abroad. (Turns to the camera) So to my fans in Nigeria and Africa, it’s you me together forever.
(Crowd hails)

‘You said there are some people you really need to be with here. Can you please name a few of these people and the roles they will play in your life which is more important than that which your recording label would have played? I know for a fact that they would have funded your account with some cool dollars. So who on earth would you forgo that for? The broadcaster asked.

‘Sometimes, our determination to excel in life can be outweighed by our willingness to accept our destiny’ Ogechi replied romantically.

‘So you’re saying destiny brought you back to home? The broadcaster continued.

‘Exactly!’ Ogechi replied

‘Well, that explains a lot. We’ll stick around and see how this turns out. (The broadcaster turns to me) So prince charming, would you say Oge’s sacrifice to leave the United States for the sake of some set of people, or should I say, destiny, is worth it?’

‘(Stammering) Y..e..a..h.., I would say it is, considering the fact that she left a lot of people who love her behind when she left to America, and some of those people have really longed to see and be with her all these years. Luckily for them, she’s back here to stay’ I replied with an attitude of less concern.

‘Do you in anyway happen to be one of such people?’ The broadcaster inquired.

‘(Stammering) Y..e..a..h.., I am. I’m one of her greatest fan. I’ve followed her right from the start’

‘Wow! That’s obvious enough. But isn’t there a little bit more to it than just a celebrity and fan thing? Judging from the look of things, I mean, her excitement on seeing you, the hug, you being here to pick her up, it seems there is. I bet she would have kissed you if not for the camera.
(Crowd roars)

‘You know she’s been in America for a while. Judging from the Hollywood movies I’ve watched, kisses and hugs are like handshakes over there’ I replied.

‘That was a smart one prince charming. Can we know your name?




‘What is that, a name?’

‘Yes oo, a name. My name’

‘Why do you call yourself Jesusboy?’

‘Because Jesus is the One I claim’

‘Interesting. I guess you’ll have to pray for us then. (Turns to Ogechi) Well, we are set leave you to your fans now. It’s been a wonderful time out with you, and once again, welcome home. Any lasts words for our viewers?’

‘Yeah. (Ogechi turns to the camera) Thank you everyone, I love you all, I’m proud of you, believe in yourself and trust in God.

‘Well viewers that was one of Nigeria’s most talented singers landing all the way from the United States not to visit, but to stay. You can see her fans showing her the love she needs to keep going higher. I believe you all out there watching have in one way or the other joined to welcome her home. We’ll keep you posted on more celebrity talk as you stay with us. My name is Shola Ade, AIT.

Ogechi signed a lot of autographs afterwards. All the while, she didn’t let go off me. Anyone who saw the way she clung to me would not be mistaken to think we had something going. Indeed we had. But was it still alive?


The airport securities tried to cut down the crowd that followed Ogechi as she led me to a more restricted area in the airport.

‘(With much excitement) I missed you like hell. It was almost like I was going to explode if I didn’t see you soon enough. Ogechi said to me.

‘I missed you too Ogechi, but’…(Ogechi interrupts)

‘Say less my dear. There’s a whole lot of time for words. I can’t wait to hear you say those things that captured my heart. For now, we have to board a flight to Enugu. We’ll talk when the plane is in the air. By the way, how did you know I was coming in today? Don’t tell me it’s one of those your IMAGINARY REALITY stuff. I was planning to pay you a surprise visit’

‘Well, Ogechi, our meeting here is a coincidence. I’m actually on my way to the United States for a Master’s Degree program. All plans regarding that has been concluded. If not that my flight got delayed, you wouldn’t have met me here’

‘You are on your way to America? Thank God your flight got delayed! Sweetheart I came back for you. You are the reason I let go off a multi-million dollar contract with my label. I came back to be with you. How come you didn’t even bother to talk to me about it? I would have stayed back and waited for you instead’

‘How was I to know you were coming home? Besides, our communication was on the low, so there was no way we possibly could have talked about that’

‘You could have at least tried to inform me. I’m not just anybody to you’

‘I contacted you a couple of times and got to speak with some guy who kept telling me he was your manager and that you were unavailable. After a couple of times, I stopped because it was obvious I wasn’t going to get the chance to speak with you’

‘oooOOOhhhHHH!! Is there really nothing you can do to cancel this trip? I can’t stand being here without you. It’s going to affect everything I do. My music career might even collapse as a result of your absence’ she said.

‘God forbid! I countered. How can that be when you’ve been in America without me for months and it didn’t collapse?

‘It was about to. I came back because I started losing concentration on everything I did. My manager noticed and talked to me about it. He told me my label owner had started complaining about my poor stage performances during the last few months of my contract with them. I was the only one aware of the problem I was having. I tried to hold on, but to no avail. There was only one way to solve the problem, and that was being with you. Seeing you every day and knowing you are close to me. Jesusboy, that misery that made me leave America will surely come upon me if you continue with this journey.
(She held my two hands and wrapped my arms around her waist, wrapped her arms around my neck, held me close and kissed me PASSIONATELY) CHOI!!!!

‘I LOVE YOU JESUSBOY’ she said in the most romantic way ever. Neither Romeo nor Juliet ever professed love in such manner.
Honestly speaking, I didn’t know what to do again. Onye’s relative had spent a lot of money and time trying to get me a visa. How would she feel if I told her I wasn’t going to push through with the journey anymore? I needed council but there was no time to get enough of that, because I needed to be counseled before my flight was ready, and there was no way that was going to happen. I went deep in thought while Ogechi was just staring at me and hoping I would change my mind and stay back. After thinking about a whole lot, I released a deep breath and said to her; why don’t you come right back to the United States? I have already declared publicly that I have come to stay. Secondly, my recording label had brought in another singer to replace me the moment I left. If I go back there, they might not give me preferential treatment as they should. I don’t want to be ridiculed by anyone. Even you wouldn’t like that for me would you? No oo! I answered sharply.

I then explained why I couldn’t cancel the trip abroad. I told her about how Onye’s relative had been so kind to me. How she spent a lot of money on my visa and all that. After I told her, she saw reasons why I had to go, but still didn’t want me to go. While we were still arguing, Onye called me and asked; Guy! Where you dey nah? Plane don ready! I dey come now-now, I replied. I turned to Oge and said; I have to go now, my flight is ready. She cried and held onto me tightly. I could tell she was willing to hold onto me till the flight took off if she had the capability to do so. Her tears moved me. As her tears rolled down her eyes, she raised her face, looked me in the eye and asked; are you really going? I looked at her watery face, which her wet eyes had rained tears upon, and I changed my mind. She looked beautiful, tender, soft, and adorable. I’m definitely staying.

Onye, found us. When he saw us he screamed; Guy wetin dey worry you nah? People don dey enter plane finish. Abi you want disappoint my cousin? As soon as I heard the word ‘disappoint’ I came back to my senses. I embraced Ogechi and then let go off her. I promised her I was going to call her every day till I returned. I also promised to return more regularly than I had planned to. All those promises didn’t appeal to Ogechi’s emotions. She kept weeping and following after me closely as I and Onye headed for the plane. When we got close to the door I stopped and looked back at her. She was weeping more bitterly. I couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone had gotten on board the flight except I and Onye. Onye held my hand and was pulling me gently towards the door as I looked at Ogechi. I shook Onye’s hand off me and stood firm. What do you think you’re doing? Onye asked. I turned and looked at Onye, turned again towards Ogechi. Her mood changed automatically when she noticed my actions. I turned again to look at Onye, and he said; come on guy, let’s go. There’s no more time for all these. Then I turned towards Ogechi again…..,,,

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Mr Rock

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don _ just
don _ just
6 years ago

what a dop real & maleria dream…..? waaoo, great writeup, keep up joor.

Tunde Jones www
Tunde Jones www
4 years ago

I could tell you’ve never been to the airport before from your story. But, make I no lie. Your story sweet pass anything. I was looking for something erotic but ended up following you to the very end. You’re unlimited and are going places with this.
Kudos man. Tunde Jones (www.ltd18.com) loves you

3 years ago

Pls Mr Rock d rock man can u pls download the princess switch in Netflix.tanks

3 years ago

Last last na dream, i am very happy gbosa for you! Chop knockle jare

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