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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 151 – 200 Final Episode)


Life as a corper


“so Val you actually think you can put me in the hospital, say it to my face and get away with it. You think you can throw stones at me without a rock smashing your head. I’m now out of the hospital and the best thing you can do for yourself is never to try set foot in Abuja, infact you are a dead man” she threatened seriously,

“as for your girlfriend Ada or whatever she is called, just pray for her” she added and hung up, giving me no time to say anything.

My heart froze, i couldn’t breathe properly for a while. I was terribly scared, especially for Adaora. Elinor didn’t only threaten me, she equally threatened to deal with an innocent girl who wasn’t involved in any way. I was confused and desperate.
“what do i do now?” i wondered seriously.
Elinor wasn’t the type of lady who won’t carry out her threats. I needed to do something, but what?.

I wasn’t myself for the rest of that day as i thought of the best way to handle Elinor without soiling my hands again. But no solution was forthcoming.
“the best way to end this, is by finishing her off, once and for all, unless you are ready to run away from your shadow which is clearly impossible. Elinor is now your shadow and you can’t win a fight by defence” a part of me advised.

I had no choice than to call my accomplice {Obinna} to seek out help and advice.
“Elinor is now out of the hospital, she called me hours ago threatening fire and hell” i poured out,

“dam.n” he cursed,
“you sure she isn’t just pulling your legs and waiting for you to make a wrong move?” he asked seriously,

“I know Elinor very well. Once she’s after something she never rests until it is achieved” i answered.

“fine, just come to Abuja as soon as possible, let’s figure out a way” he murmured. I breathed deeply and hung up.

“/Abuja things/ again” i heaved a sigh.

I had a restless night thinking and planning. How do i get to Abuja without anyone noticing?, how do i get there without drawing suspicions from my family, will Adaora understand if i tell her?” i wondered as i weighed my options.

The next day, i went over to Adaora’s room when i noticed she was alone. I sat on her bed and stared at her silently.

“what’s the problem, i know you came to tell me something” she asked.

“when are you returning to Abuja?” i asked with a smile.

“i will travel alone tomorrow, but your sister will be returning probably on saturday” she answered.

“fine, i will go with you, but please don’t tell anybody” i begged, holding her hand.

“but why?” she asked seriously,

“i want to spend some days alone with you. We have to make our relationship strong again. I just want to be with you, i have this great urge i don’t understand” i lied sweetly. She looked down, thinking over my words. I knew it would be hard fooling her, but i had to try anyway.

“i know there is more about this your proposal, than just being alone with me. You are lying to me once again, but as usual i have no proof” she said calmly, looking Into my eyes.

“i pray whatever you are sacrificing your time for, to be a good thing. I won’t tell anyone, you are free to travel with me” she accepted calmly. I smiled deeply, hugging her tightly, my heart pounding furiously.
There really was much at stake and my prayer was for God to guide me through.

Early the next day, i left the house with Adaora. Nobody suspected i was heading to Abuja with her. They thought i was travelling to Imo state while Adaora to Abuja.
Mum was perfectly strong and healthy, her illness a thing of the past, so there was really nothing to worry on her side.

We arrived Abuja by 5:48pm that fateful day. I was hopeful and scared at the same time.
“is there actually a way of ending my problems with Elinor without soiling my hands once again?” i wondered as Adaora flagged down a taxi.


Adaora came into my room as i was about typing an episode of my story. I quickly closed my laptop and smiled at her.

“what are you doing?” she asked, smiling.

“nothing serious my dear” i replied, winking at her.

“anyway i just came to wish you a good night” she said. I looked up at her hungrily, she really looked very s#xy on her new pink skimpy night wear. I felt like grabbing and devouring her right away.

“why are you looking at me in such manner?” i heard her ask,

“come sit here my love” i said, {tapping my left lap}. She quietly obeyed without any protest.

We stared at each other for a while without saying anything. I knew she was feeling very hot and hungry inside but was simply holding herself, it really has been long we last had a super active night, while I equally held myself because i couldn’t risk annonying her once again.

I knew i could easily get down with her that night, but i also knew she was going to lay blames on me after the deed, even though i sadly realised that i had lost some of the fire and touch which made me coolval. Yes i truly wasn’t as sharp and hot as i used to be. I also couldn’t point out the cause.

“tell me the truth dearest. Are you actually here for my sake?” Adaora asked, resting her head on my shoulder and breaking me away from my thoughts.

“of course my dear, what else could have brought me here” i answered quietly.

“i hope so, i really do hope so” she murmured,

“spend the night here with me. Please let’s not spoil this moment” i begged, risking a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and closed her eyes.
We finally spent the night together, cuddling each other. It really was a very wonderful night, even though we had no s-x.

Obinna showed up the next morning, five minutes after Adaora left for work.

“mehn that Elinor woman is something else. I havn’t come across any woman as strong and fearful as she is. Imagine someone who just escaped death uttering threats without fear” he shook his head after listening to my story concerning Elinor’s phone call.

“so what do you plan on doing since you don’t want to soil your hands again?” he asked curiously.

“i thought about it last night. I think i will have to confront her, i will go over to her house tomorrow to sort things out. She can use the opportunity to do whatever she likes to me” i revealed seriously.

“you can’t be serious!” he exclaimed,
“are you nuts or what?, you really want to step into that bit.ch’s house, c’mon say something better” he rasped.

“she will be surprised to see me and nothing works wonders much more than surprises. Believe me, i know what i’m doing” i assured him.”alright, fine” he shrugged.


Leaving the house on saturday really wasn’t easy, Adaora was suspicious as ever but didn’t stop me.
In order to avoid being followed or watched by Adaora or her spies. I first stopped at a barber’s shop, where i spent considerable amount of time making{barbing} my hair, before heading to Elinor’s apartment.

I got to the apartment at exactly 10:55am that saturday. A very surprised Elinor opened the door and stared at me speechlessly.
I expected her to pounce, spit or hit me, but she did nothing of the sort, instead ushered me into her apartment maturedly when she regained her composure.

With my phone voice recorder ready and recording. I tried to calm my fast pounding heart as i prepared and cleared my throat for the mission ahead.

What exactly was my mission that fateful day?? Remember things are not often the way they seem to be.


“why are you here Val?, don’t tell me you came all alone to finish what you started?” she asked coldly. I smiled and shook my head.

“you got it all wrong Elinor, things are really not as they seem” i said quietly,

“i don’t understand you” she replied, facing me with both hands on her waist.

“i never attacked you in the first place. I’m not responsible for what happened to you some weeks ago” i lied calmly, while she shook her head in disbelief, her face colouring.

“but you confirmed it. You said it to my face, when i was lying helplessly at the hospital. Don’t tell me i was dreaming that day or that you weren’t the person who said those words to me” she said with a raised tone. I quickly drew close to her.

“c’mon do you really think i’m capable of such deed?, do you think i’m capable of inflicting harm on you just because you want me to stay away from Tessy?” i asked seriously. She bit her lips, staring at me silently.

“do you really think i’m capable of setting you up in a town i know not more than six people?, c’mon think about it” i concluded desperately.

“no no no, you are lying, you are trying to play smart, you know you can’t stand me in this town, that’s why you came up with this thrash, moreover i perfectly do remember all you said to me at the hospital” she sort of shouted. I breathed deeply, holding her shoulders.

“i said only what you wanted to hear that day, did i even say anything out of the ordinary to you?” i asked. She kept quiet,
“how can i attack you and still say it to your face when i know i can’t match you in this city, jeez Elinor nawa for the way you think. I came all the way from owerri not for my sake, but for Adaora’s sake. The girl knows nothing about all these yet you threatened to deal with her” i poured out emotionally.

“so you are actually saying that you have no hand in what happened to me?” she asked after some silence.

“yes” i quickly answered, my heart furiously pounding.

“ok no wahala, but if you are actually behind what happened to me and you came all the way here to deny it, then you are a big coward, a weakling,…” she rasped. I quickly placed a finger on her lip.

“sssssh, it’s ok, let’s make peace once and for all” i proposed calmly, keenly watching her reaction.
I really wasn’t proud of what i was doing. I knew i sold my pride and manhood with the way i denied everything, but i had no choice than to do it for Adaora’s sake. I had to do the impossible to protect her, because i knew i couldn’t protect my queen nor fight Elinor without permanently staying in Abuja, which really was Impossible because of my Nysc programme.

“hmmm you want to make peace with me?” she asked curiously, while i nodded. But before she could say anything else, her door bell rang, interrupting our discussion. She kept quiet and stared at the door for almost a minute as if she wasn’t sure of her safety or something best known to her.
She finally opened the door, and it was no other person than Tessy who rang the door bell.

“what were you doing that made you take so much time to answer the door?” she jokingly asked Elinor as she walked into the sitting room, instantly gasping and freezing in shock, the moment her eyes fell on me.

She never knew i was in town, and it equally was the second time she was bumping into Elinor and i in such surprising manner. I speechlessly stared at her. I couldn’t imagine what was going through in her mind.

“what are you doing here, arn’t you supposed to be at your PPA, when did you get to Abuja?” she asked suspiciously. I tried to say something but couldn’t. All i was able to do was simply to stare at her without uttering any words.
I never planned for her presence and what explanation could i have given to her.

“oh i see, i guess i have to start leaving, i’m interrupting something right?” she murmured when she realised i wasn’t willing to talk to her. Turned and headed towards the door while Elinor politely tried to block her.

“c’mon dear you arn’t interrupting anything, val just got here, surprising me with his presence as well” she desperately tried to explain, but Tessy’s head was already filled with wild ideas. She refused to buy Elinor’s short explanation, instead hissed and walked out of the apartment. I swallowed hard, my heart furiously beating. I could have ran after her, but something prevented me.

Elinor quickly faced me with a dry smile,
“i guess things are finally falling into place via the wrong way” she sneered,
“who knows what she’s thinking?” she laughed, her eyes scanning me seriously.
“hmmm so about your proposal. I think we can only settle peacefully if you are willing to let the sleeping dog lie, forget all about my dear friend Tessy and move on with your life. Moreover the situation that just presented itself is a very good opportunity” she said calmly, her eyes still on me. I shrugged and drew back.

“you never lose out in anything, do you?” i asked quietly. She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

“fine, i’m tired of all these games as well. You can have your Tessy back, hope we are even?” i asked. She breathed deeply and shrugged.

“i hope you are serious with what you just said. If you are, then we are even” she said slowly, turned and went into her room. She came out a minute later with a bottle of red wine.

“hope we can share a drink?” she asked. I smiled, my mind relaxing. I really was glad that i was able to convince her of my innocence.
“Adaora is now safe” i reasoned.

She handed me a glass of wine, which i accepted and drank, even though i stared at the drink suspiciously before drinking. I couldn’t afford to let down my guard because to me she still was a friendly enemy.

“forget about Tessy and you will have nothing to worry about me, unless you have a hand in that verocious attack that almost left me dead. I won’t let that matter die, i will investigate it till the end” she said with a smile as we drank the wine. I felt sick hearing those words, but sealed my fear with a calm smile.

Adaora was watching a local movie when i got back an hour later. She quietly allowed me into the house without saying anything, but her face was coloured. I knew she was very angry with me.

I smiled and hugged her tightly.
“it’s over my love. I love you very much” i said sweetly, without thinking. My behaviour surprising her very much.

“what’s over?” she asked curiously. I breathed deeply and said nothing.

Things have finally fallen into place. Tessy wasn’t happy with me any longer, something Elinor had so much wanted. A very good opportunity to close my chapter with them, move on with my life and have a happy ending with Adaora…

Is it really the end???


“what’s over?” she asked again, but instead of answering, i kissed her strongly, stunning her with my action.

“val what’s up with you, why are you acting so strange?” she asked, forcefully breaking away from me.
“it seems like you have forgotten the conditions i gave you at home, should i repeat them??” she asked with a raised tone.

“conditions or no condition, what matters is that i love you dearest, have no doubt about it” i said calmly, while she stared at me with a confused face.

“is this a trick?, what happened to you out there?, tell me i can understand, i have always stood by you, havn’t i??” she asked, drawing close to me with concern.

“l feel like taking you out for a treat, nothing is wrong with me. Don’t i have the right to express my feelings?” i asked with deep emotion. She breathed deeply and backed me.

“it has been long, i last saw you in such high spirit. I’m confused, it dosen’t look right” she murmured. I gently wrapped my hands around her.

“baby i understand your fear, but please say nothing more” i pleaded quietly, placing my lips on her neck and breathing in her sweet scent.

“we have climbed the highest mountain together, swarm the deepest sea together, and been through a lot of experiences together. In each occassion you reached out to save me when it looked as if i wouldn’t make it. You never abandoned nor gave up on me. What else can i say dearest” i whispered, my right hand finding her right b—m which i softly squeezed. She moaned and gave a weak struggle.

“you just want to take advantage of me all over again. You are saying all these words simply because you are h—y” she accused quietly.

“my dearest, please stop saying nonsense” i begged as i turned her to face me. We stared at each other for a while before i closed in on her with my lips.

We hungrily kissed passionately, ending up on the floor where we made great love.
It really was so sweet and lovely, her body responding savagely to my thrusts, while her cries filled the room with beautiful melody. It really was a rediscovered passion.

“jeez, i can’t believe i did this with you” she gasped when we were done an hour later.
“how many rounds did you go on me?” she curiously asked, resting her head on my chest.

“just two, weren’t you conscious when it was all going down?” i murmured smiling,

“and you did everything without protection eeh” she completed, raising her head to give me an angry stare. I closed my eyes and said nothing.

“i will kill you if you ever break my heart again” she jokingly threatened, got up and headed to the bathroom. I breathed deeply, feeling happy. But my happiness was cut short because my phone rang a minute later, showing Tessy’s phone number on the screen. I quickly answered the call with apprehension.

“Val i’ll like to see you in my house before an hour, no excuses, else you will regret ever crossing me” she ordered and hung up, leaving me extremely stunned and indecisive.

“should i honour her invitation or not?” i deeply wondered, a bit scared over the cold way she spoke to me.

“I should’ve seen this coming right from the start, beware of women like Tessy, beware of a woman with a broken heart” my head sang.

“you look very dull, what’s the matter?” Adaora asked as we sat down for dinner. I forced out a smile, trying to hide my feelings.

“c’mon i’m okay, why did you ask such question?” i replied. She shrugged and kept quiet, while i faced my meal with a heavy heart.

Tessy’s phone call earlier in the afternoon really upset and sickened me. Of course i refused to honour her invitation nor call her which made me very tensed up. I didn’t know what to expect from her nor what she planned doing. The only hope i had was knowing she wouldn’t get back at me too quickly, at least till she knows my real stand over everything that was happening between us.

I unfortunately found myself between the devil and the deep sea once again. I never bargained for the turn out of events, even though i should have know better. I thought Tessy would have been too proud and angry to have anything to do with me anymore, but instead she preferred giving me a chance to defend myself, which i wasn’t willing to take. I was tired of it all.
“what do i do?” i wondered as i ate, expecting her phone call any minute. I knew she would call again.

Fortunately she called very late in the night, when i was slowly falling asleep in the comfort of my room.
“I didn’t see you at my house, why did you disobey me?” she quietly asked as soon as i answered the phone.

“because i don’t want to see you again” i replied calmly,

“why?, do you have any explanation for what you just said?” she asked, surprising me with her calm tone.

“things are not as they seem, anyway i have nothing to explain to you sha. My girl and i just got engaged” i lied, stopping to breathe deeply.
“i don’t want to disappoint my family anymore. My mum almost died because of my reckless way of life, thanks to you. I do care for you alot, but i have to do the right thing” i concluded, stunning her with my words which i knew exploded in her head like a bomb.

“do the right thing you say, is this the right thing huh?” she angrily asked after a minute of silence.

“you ate my meal, enjoyed my body, spent my money, dug a hole in my heart, and now giving me this crap of a news. d–n you Val, d–n you” she shouted in anger.

I felt bad hearing her outburst, but i had no choice than to say those heart-breaking words to her. I had a duty to Adaora, i had to keep the promise i made to her, i also had to keep the promise i made to Elinor, at least to get her off my back. Nevertheless i equally needed the break, it was an opportunity to reposition my life and make something good out of it. Just like Adaora once told me,
“the atitude you carry on with your life will determine your future”

“this isn’t over, i’m not some tramp you can just push away. Mind you i’m a society lady, don’t try messing with me” she threatened.

“i’m leaving Abuja tomorrow, i’m sorry over everything. I’ll come see you at the right time” i seriously promised.

“you will live this city only when i say so. You need a very good spanking. I invested so much in you. My feelings, pride, love, money. You will run to me tomorrow, watch and see” she angrily said and hung up, while i closed my eyes, dropped my phone and wondered what she could be planning.

Early the next morning, Adaora rushed into my room with a shocking news,
“dearest i don’t understand, see the message your friend Tessy just sent me. I wouldn’t have shown it to you, if not for one thing” she said with a serious smile, giving me her phone which I eagerly collected.

“hi dear, i have something important to tell you. I will be at your house very early tomorrow, hope you will have the time?
Happy sunday,

My heart leapt after reading it.
“d–n she’s coming here!” i gasped, while Adaora nodded, staring at me in a curious manner.


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“my dear i’m really as surprised as you are” i murmured, returning her phone.

“hmmmm, well i have nothing to lose waiting for her” Adaora smiled and stood up.
“seriously i think she’s trying to pass a coded message across, but what i don’t know is who the message is meant for” she said with an accusing look. I scoffed, trying very hard to calm my nerves.

“why do you say so?” i asked,

“feminine instinct” she replied, breathed deeply and left my room. I quickly rushed to the toilet and urinated.

“what the hell is Tessy planning?” i wondered nervously.

The text message she sent Adaora nearly split my heart into two, and i had no choice than to call her few minutes later. At least to know her mind.
“I have been expecting your phone call. Happy sunday” She greeted as if all was fine.

“Adaora showed me the text you sent her, what’s up with you?” i anxiously asked.

“everything is going accordingly in my own end, how about your’s?? I knew she was going to show you the message, what do you think?, isn’t it cool?” she asked with a mockery tone, which spoilt my mind very much.

“i don’t understand you. I thought you are a respectable lady, why now are you behaving like a teenager? ” i asked,

“because i’m desperate. You didn’t honour my invitation leaving me with no choice than to look for a way to visit you. What’s so wrong with it?” she asked in defence.

“fine i will come see you tomorrow” i murmured,

“tomorrow?, jeez say something else, tomorrow is work day. I’ll be very busy” she replied, but before i could say another word. I heard knocks at my room door.

“we will talk later, please don’t show up here, please” i begged, hung up and erased her phone number from the call log, before opening the door for Adaora who stared at me murderously.

“i knew you would call her. You are scared arn’t you?. You were speaking with her that’s why you locked your door” she shouted.

“calm down dear” i pleaded quietly,

“i have been trying to reach her till this moment but her line is engaged. I’m not stupid” she rasped.

“calm down dear, i’m not denying anything. Yes i called her because i was anxious to know the reason she’s coming, which is quiet natural. Remember you asked me to stay away from her” i defended myself, calming her down a bit with my reply.

“if that’s the case, what did she say?, what was her reply?” she curiously asked, while i swallowed hard. Her question a difficult one.

“she was surprised when i told her about the text she sent you. According to her, it was meant for a friend. She never realised she sent it to you till i called, can you imagine?” i answered innocently. Adaora simply scoffed and eyed me.

“you really expect me to believe what you just said?, anyway i still have to confirm by asking her myself, since i was the person that got the text” she said, dialling Tessy’s phone number, while I speechlessly stared at her thinking fast. I had to stop her from speaking with Tessy, but how do i do it without creating more suspicion?

“hello?” i soon heard Tessy’s voice over her phone as she turned on the loudspeaker. My head was full.

Adaora was unknowingly playing into Tessy’s hands. My too many secrets threatened.
My mistake was never admitting to Adaora of having s#xual relations with Tessy and i was very determined to continue keeping the dirty secret.

“hello, hello!, please speak up, i’m not hearing you” Tessy’s voice sounded over the phone. Adaora gave me a look, breathed deeply and faced her phone.

“hi Tess, good morning” she greeted, preparing herself for the questions ahead.

“hello!, hello!!, i still can’t hear you. Please call back later, i’m driving” i heard Tessy say, making me heave a sigh of relief.

“hmmm, she’s driving” Adaora said to me, ending the phone call. I shrugged, yawned and returned to my bed.

“was she driving when you called her?” she asked curiously.

“i really don’t know because she never said so” i answered.

“hmmm, but it’s too earlier to be driving, unless she’s going to church”, she murmured and left the room, while I tossed around on my bed, restlessly thinking over everything.

“what do i do know?” i wondered. An idea quickly struck me, i grabbed my phone and typed a message for Tessy.
“Thanks for covering up the act, i’ll be at your house very early tomorrow. I Can’t come today, Adaora is very suspicious and nosy” i typed and sent to Tessy, praying she understands.


The rest of the day was uneventful and boring. Adaora refused to go out that sunday, instead stayed at the house waiting for Tessy that never came. While i spent my day replaying and going through the recorded converstation i had with Elinor the previous day, but i was disappointed because the audio quality wasn’t audible. I had a hard time picking out words from the conversation.

However as the clock struck 6pm, Adaora became extremely upset. But for a reason best known to her, she refused calling Tessy again, saving me a whole lot of stress. Anyway i still felt her pains and tried my best to make her happy.

we had a quiet dinner that evening, after which i walked up to her as she was washing the dishes. Holding her by the waist, i kissed her neck softly.

“please don’t let today’s incident upset you. Remember you asked me to not to have anything to do with that Lady again, why now are you allowing things concerning her get to you?” i quietly asked.

“who told you, i’m upset?” she replied with a question,

“oh yes you are, you really ruined our day with your behaviour, and you know i will be leaving tomorrow” i quietly said, while She quickly turned and faced me.

“i thought you wanted to spend some days with me?” she asked,

“yea wasn’t this weekend enough?, you know i have a duty to perform at my PPA” I answered. She shrugged.

“alright, it’s cool” she murmured.

My sudden departure plan really was caused by Tessy. I earlier had hoped to stay with Adaora till wednesday, but with the way things were going. I was forced to draw out another plan, which was seeing her very early on monday, before heading out of town, even though i never really expected to achieve much with it. But i was very hopeful.


“i’m very sorry over what happened yesterday. I spoilt everything with my character. Just forget about it please” Adaora pleaded and kissed me, when i was ready to leave. I smiled and hugged her.

“just take good care of yourself wifey. I promise to be of good behaviour over there” i said sweetly. She rolled her eyes and kissed me strong.
“i love you with all my heart” she breathed.

By 7:20am, i found myself in Tessy’s sitting room, anxiously waiting for her to show up from the bedroom. She soon appeared, smiling confidently, her eyes on my small travelling bag. I breathed deeply, silently praying for all to go well………………

Was visiting Tessy with my suitcase a wrong or good move??
Hmmmm, do watch out for the next episode.



“oh my dear, you are here already” Tessy said happily, her eyes lighting up with joy. I nodded quietly, my heart furiously pounding.
If not for the househelp who was still in the sitting room, i believed she would have hugged me.

“why didn’t you let her take care of your bag?” she asked,

“because i’m travelling, i will soon be heading back to Imo state” i answered while she instantly frowned and breathed deeply.

“i believe we have alot to talk about, let’s go to my room” she said with a controlled voice. I shrugged and followed her without hesitation.

“what the hell do you mean by what you just said to me in the sitting room?” she asked as soon as we got to her room. I breathed deeply and went close to her.

“yea i’m serious about all i said there, and also serious about all i told you on saturday” i answered. She bit her lips and turned her back on me.

“i feel like slapping you right now. Do i look like an object to you?” she asked angrily.
I breathed deeply, saying nothing.

“do i look like something you can switch feelings on anytime you like?. For God’s sake i’m a human being, i do a lot for you. I hate you right now, seriously. I’m not even mentioning about Elinor and what i feel you guys are doing” she rasped, leaving me speechless with all she said.

“you won’t say anything?” she suddenly turned and asked.

“what more do you expect me to say huh?, i only came here to plead with you to leave Adaora out of this. If you need to vent out your anger on anyone, please vent it on me” i pleaded. She scoffed and shook her head.

“no mister, on the contrary i think she’s my only obstacle, she’s the wall blocking my path. Either i climb over it to get to my destination, or i demolish it and get there” she said seriously.

“Tessy what are you saying?” i asked fearfully.

“all i’m saying is that i deserve as much right as she does. I’m not selfish, no other lady would have tolerated all you are doing to me without taking serious action. As for travelling today, you better cancel the plan because you are not going anywhere till i say so” she said with a threatening tone.

“are you threatening me?” i asked. She rolled her eyes and hugged me, surprising me with her behaviour.

“it’s not wrong to fight for your property. I’m just doing what i feel is best for me, moreover we are way too deep into this together. You are the only guy that has seen my nakedness after breaking up with my husband. Do you think it’s easy for me as a woman?” she asked, while i swallowed hard.

“we have a lot to discuss but let’s keep it till later in the day, i’m almost late for work. There isn’t anything bad in spending just a day with me?, let’s go to my office together, we can still talk some things over there” she pleaded.

By 9:30am we quietly walked into her office. I couldn’t believe myself nor the sudden change of heart. The way she pleaded with me really touched a part of my heart, making me fall weakly like a dead wood.
Two girls were already at her office waiting, keeping theirselves busy with magazines which they were reading.

“i’m so sorry girls for showing up late. Traffic” Tessy apologized and walked to her desk, while the girls politely smiled, dropping the magazines they were reading.

My heart instantly froze as soon as i saw their faces. They were no other girls but the twins i had a little chat with some weeks back. They equally coloured up as soon as they saw me. One looked at me ferociously, while the other held her sister’s hand. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through their minds.
I quietly turned and left the room before Tessy could say anything else.

I deeply breathed in fresh air as soon as i was outside, my mind wandering to and fro. But surprisingly one of the twins came out to meet me five minutes later.

With hands on her waist, she angrily stared at me in a very disrespectful manner.my9jarocks.info

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

Interesting story and full of suspense but too many repetition of words (swallowed hard, shrugged, scoffed, biting of lips, etc)

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