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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 151 – 200 Final Episode)


Life as a corper

Episode 191

I travelled to Abuja three days later to check on Adaora who was extremely surprised to see me.

To set her mind at rest i had to tell her everything the twin told me about Tessy, which was a grave mistake. Even though i cleverly hid some details from her, especially on the extent i went to get the information.
But she wasn’t pleased with me. She felt i came over because i believed she could cheat on me.

“and you simply rushed over because you believed all she told you. You believed i could cheat on you, the way you have been doing to me” she said angrily.
“you know what?, if i set my mind on something i always do it. If i feel like cheating on you, your presence won’t change a thing because i’ll do it to your face and there is nothing you will do” she shouted before leaving for her room, instantly putting me in a defensive position. I regretted telling her anything and I had to follow her to the room in order to apologize, but she refused listening to me.

“it pains me a great deal that you don’t trust me. I have seen and been with different types of guys. The rich, the bad, the ugly and so on. There is nothing i havn’t seen nor heard. I never cheated as a student, how then do you believe that i can cheat as an adult huh?” she angrily asked.

“i only came to warn you of Tessy’s plans, i never accused you of cheating my dear” i tried to defend myself.

“enough please, i’m no fool. You should have called if that was the case. Here are my phones, check them for anything” she continued angrily, tossing her phones at me. I was speechless and uncomfortable.
However I finally calmed her down after much pleading, spent two days with her before heading back to my PPA with a relaxed mind.

But i was soon to forget all about my fears because Chinwe surprised me with a visit a day later.
I was very glad to see her. It really has been a while we last saw each other and she still was as beautiful as ever, her smiles charming and captivating.

“i’m now preparing for my Nysc. I’m done with my clearance, i just can’t wait for March to arrive” she announced happily as she settled down on my bed. I was so much filled with Joy and happiness.

“you see, you are now a big girl. God knows how to chase away flies for a tailess cow” i joked. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

“yes hardship is a good teacher. It opens our eyes to the realities on ground. It makes us wise and calculative” she said, looking into my eyes.

“I missed you” i confessed softly, remembering our past,

“me too” she blushed and breathed deeply, her jaw slightly drawn as if she just remembered something hurtful.

“Can our love ever die?” i asked myself as i stared at her beautiful face.

I quickly remembered Adaora and looked away.

“I will be leaving tomorrow” she calmly said to me later in the day. I tried to look into her eyes but she looked away, avoiding my gaze.

“why tomorrow?, you can stay till the weekend, i’m not pursuing you or am i?” i asked politely. She shrugged and said nothing.

I knew she wanted to spend some days with me but was uncomfortable due to her feelings. I equally felt the same way, but couldn’t help but be nice and accomodative, moreover she was someone very close to my heart.

However nothing happened between us on the first night, she only narrated all that was troubling her to me. Family issues, financial problems, her fears and so on. I listened attentively. The poor girl really had alot bugging her mind.

“seriously i wish i have the power to kill my uncles, all of them would have been dead by now. They are so heartless and obnoxious” she ended up crying, while i hugged her with deep emotions.

The next day, i took her to the school i was serving before taking her round the village. We had a wonderful time laughing and gisting. Some of the things we did together as students years ago equally were not left out as she kept bringing up some of the funny ones.

“so how about Adaora?” she asked as we were having dinner later in the evening,

“she’s fine, she will be rounding up her Nysc by february” i announced with a smile.

“good for her” she smiled, while i cleverly changed the topic,

“so till now you are yet to find the perfect guy?” i asked smiling. She breathed deeply and shook her head,

“yea, now i know why some beautiful girls end up not marrying. It’s not as if they don’t meet guys or something” she murmured sadly. I swallowed hard and said nothing.

“it’s been long i last felt what Love is all about” she concluded.

10:05pm{my room}

“why are you not sleeping?” i asked, coming a little close to her{ on the bed},

“nothing” she replied softly,

“what do you feel for me?” i heard myself ask.

“i don’t know, but i still feel betrayed. Please let’s not go there, at least you still help me financially” she murmured with a sad tone as if she meant to mock me with her words. I instantly felt uncomfortable, scratched my head and backed her.

“i’m sorry, i never meant to hurt you with my words” she quickly apologized, touching my back,

“you shouldn’t mind some things we girls say. I wasn’t being serious” she explained, softly pinching me.

I quickly turned, stared into her eyes and drew forward. Our lips quickly glued together in a hot romantic kiss.

“are you trying to take advantage of me once again?” she suddenly asked as she broke away from me, searching my face with her not too innocent eyes. I was shocked.

“i’m very sorry, i just got carried away” i quickly apologized. A bit ashamed of myself.

“i’m sorry also” she breathed deeply, placing her right palm on my chin,

“i still love you” she suddenly confessed, staring into my eyes. I was totally lost on what to say.
“yes i still do love you believe me. It’s hard for me to speak out my mind, but i guess you already know. It hasn’t been easy for me since we broke up. I hope i’m not being too plain?” she murmured, dropping her eyes. My heart kept pounding very fast. I just was extremely lost, confused and sorry for her.

Yea i equally still felt something for her, only the memory of what we shared in the past was enough to lit us on fire. I so much craved for her body, i badly wanted to taste her succulent bosoms. I so much wanted to kiss, caress and have her. My passion and desire were so strong and aflame. Oh and my hormones were like a time bomb waiting to explode.

“i guess i have dismayed you with my behaviour?” she suddenly asked. I bit my lips, struggling very hard to say something.
“let’s do it” she added softly, giving me an unresistable inviting look. I swallowed hard with disbelief, my joystick quickly rising in acceptance.

“no no my dear. Love making should only be for couples in love and sincere with each other. I haven’t been honest with you and i hate taking advantage of anyone most especially you. I’m sorry” i quickly apologized, breathing fast.

“i’m serious, let’s get down to it. You need me, i need you. Nobody is taking advantage of anyone” she said with a tempting smile, pulling off her night wear. I closed my eyes unable to resist the urge, unable to reject her offer and unable to fathom what was actually going through her mind.

Bringing her head forward, she pulled me down,
“val don’t you want it anymore?” she asked, her eyes sparkling, her face colouring with deep passion.

I so badly wanted to rip her apart, but i just couldn’t tell if she was offering her body to me with good faith. I kept staring at her unable to decide, which really angered her.

“i see” she murmured, pulled away from me and sat up. I knelt by her side, trying to hold her. But she quickly pushed away my hand and backed me.

I stared at her unclad body. It was quite tempting and beautiful. My joystick equally was getting impatient and angry, threatening to rip out of my knicker.

“chinwe” i called quietly,

“chinwe please” i murmured, dragging her to my side. She didn’t resist, but faced me obediently, tears blinding her eyes. I just didn’t know what was wrong with her.

Slowly my left hand went for her bosoms, while she watched me silently. As i felt her bosoms, my hormones surged, my head exploded with passion, my knicker flung away.


Sliding down the length of my thighs, she took the smooth head of my erection into her mouth and moved her tongue languidly across its tip. I moaned deeply.

I really had forgotten how pleasurable Chinwe was.
It was now only but a matter of minutes……..


“I feel so guilty” Chinwe murmured as we cleaned up, sighing unhappily. I couldn’t say anything to her because i equally felt the same way.

“i don’t know what pushed me into doing this with you” she continued, while i stood up without uttering a word. I knew she expected me to say sweet words to her, make promises and all those post-s-x romantic stuffs, but i just couldn’t. I really was in a more terrible condition than her.

We really had a very wonderful s-x. The type i haven’t had for so long. It was hot, breathtaking and superb. Every second counted as i dug into her body, devouring every inch of it. Her moans and kisses brought out the best in me as it supplied the much needed passion and energy. It truly was worth the risk, but after the affair we were instantly filled with regret.

“is there a chance we will ever get back together?” she suddenly asked, surprising me with the question. Her eyes staring hopefully at me.

My guilt increased. I felt like lying but just couldn’t. Adaora’s image instantly appeared in my head, sickening me. I felt bitter and remorseful. I just didn’t know what to say to her. I instantly remembered my old {born again} girlfriend Agatha who once told me that premarital s-x always comes with a price. You must pay for it one way or the other, even the ones that appear to be for free are not always without a price”

“what’s up with you?, you are yet to answer my question nor dress up” she suddenly asked, shaking away my thoughts. I smiled and squatted by her side.

“i just don’t know my dear. I can’t answer what i’m not sure of” i said calmly. Her eyes quickly dropped, she bit her lips and smiled coldly.

“it’s alright, i’ll be leaving tomorrow” she announced quietly. I was unable say anything to counter her decision. My conscience kept flogging me but i had no choice than to endure the pain.

Early the next morning, she packed her things and dressed up. I never uttered a word to stop her even though i felt she expected me to do so.
We never spoke on phone nor met for the rest of that month, which was really my fault because i failed to check up on her after she unceremoniously left.

However on the first week of february i sent money across to her, because i felt she needed it in preparation for her Nysc camping which was a month away.
My sister, Frank and Adaora equally passed out {ended their Nysc program} that same month, leaving me behind. I planned returning home to see my queen{Adaora} but another shocking development occured few days later delaying my plans.

Tessy surprised me with a phone call after weeks of silence.
“i’ll be coming over to Owerri on friday which is a day after tomorrow for a project. I hope you can pick me up at Imo Airport by 4pm?” she casually asked as if we were still lovers, striking me dumb with the unexpected question.

“i’m not in town, you could have informed me earlier” i finally answered.

“so how do i get into town?” she asked like a novice, making me smile with surprise,

“you can get an Airport taxi or inform one of your friends nah” i replied.

“it’s really business. I’ll be spending some days before returning to Abuja, endeavour to see me unless you are still bearing grudges towards me” she added and waited for my reply.

“i will see you on saturday morning” i murmured and hung up.

I fetched Frank early saturday morning, and together we headed to see Tessy. My mind really wasn’t at rest as i drove towards the address she gave me. I kept thinking of her reason for seeking me.
It equally wasn’t easy locating the address because the place ended up to be at the outskirts of New Owerri. At first i was scared and confused but when we got there, i relaxed on seeing a building project which was going on.

“you never told me about this?” i asked Tessy with a smile as she surprised me with a hug. She truly was looking lovely in jean shorts and T. Shirt.

“because you never cared to ask” she replied and faced Frank who caught her attention. I quickly did a brief introduction, Frank as usual behaved like a gentle man while Tessy showed much more interest in him. She asked him lots of questions which at a point made me really uncomfortable.

“i like your friend, i think i can help him get a job” she smiled to me as they exchanged phone numbers. I was speechless, but sealed my discomfort with a smile.

“so why did you choose to build in owerri of all towns?” i finally asked when she was done with Frank.

“is there anything bad in it?” she asked with a calm smile. I shrugged, saying nothing.

She however prevented us from leaving on time and my hands were tied because Frank accepted to stay when she begged us not to leave. We finally left the site later in the afternoon precisely by 2:45pm, after promising to show up late in the evening at the hotel she was lodging..

I really couldn’t figure out the type of game she was trying to play with Frank but whatever it was i wished them Luck.
But thinking of it, i had to shake some silly thoughts out of my mind, even though i knew Frank wasn’t a very honest guy, which made me somehow regret taking him to meet Tessy.

As per having s#xual relations with him, i had some doubts. I felt Tessy had more ambitious plan than that. What could it be??

I was unable to honour the appointment we had with Tessy {that same evening} because i wasn’t feeling very fine. I equally wasn’t comfortable about it, but my Friend Frank was very eager to honour it.

“i hope there isn’t any problem if i go alone?” he asked, after trying his best to persuade me to go with him.

“no, not at all. But remember all the advice you have offered me concerning that woman. Don’t let yourself fall into the same pit i fell and please don’t reveal any thing concerning me to her” i pleaded. He laughed, tapped my shoulder and stood up.

“i’m not a kid bro. You can trust me on that. Moreover you know i’m doing this solely because i need her help. Who knows if God will help me through her” he explained innocently. I smiled and nodded. Yea he had a good reason for honouring the invitation, but i equally knew him very well. He was the friend who could sell me for pieces of silver.
I never really wanted him to visit Tessy all alone, but had to hide my feelings with a decieving smile.

“only if Tessy could focus on him and forget all about me” i prayed.

I was about dozing off when i heard my door bell ring. I lazily opened the door for Frank who smiled at me. His breath reeked of alcohol, a good sign that he was well entertained.

“mehn that Chick hot oooo. You know i thought she was alone, but when i got to her table i saw two other hot cuties” he laughed as he settled on the floor. I curiously listened, very eager to know what transpired between them.

“so you had no difficulty in locating her?” i asked calmly,

“i have been to All Seasons Hotel a hundred times over, so it wasn’t a big deal nau” he answered, pulling off his shirt.

“she wasn’t happy that you failed to come. According to her, ‘you are good at messing things up. She did many things for you, but you paid her back with evil” he said with a quiet smile.

“what else did she say about me?” i asked,

“nothing again, she just introduced me to her two friends even though we met one of them at the site earlier today. Before ordering drinks for me” he replied as he brought out some naira notes from his pocket, which he counted in my presence.

“you see? Nine thousand naira just like that. Chei!” he exclaimed.
“i never knew the money she gave me as i was leaving was up to this” he almost screamed out, while i scoffed.

“she’s returning to Abuja tomorrow. She promised getting in touch with me before wednesday, what do you think?” he suddenly asked.

“well i think she wants to switch over her feelings to you. It’s now your game bro.” i smiled, while he shrugged.

“i hope so, but i doubt. I know when a woman is interested in me, but what i saw this evening was something far from that. She likes me yes. Interested in me? No brother, absolutely no” he murmured.

“so what do you think since you are the expert?”I asked. He breathed deeply and shrugged,

“maybe she only wants to help or use me. I don’t just know, but i need money brother. I have a long way to go with life” he said seriously. His eyes red and strange.


Frank travelled home the next day, while i stayed behind in my apartment. I never bothered calling Tessy nor checked if she eventually left town or not.

However, very early on Tuesday morning. She surprised me with a phone call.
“you are really cold hearted you know. Why are you trying to avoid me?, when you know deep down that i have come to stay in your life. I’m going nowhere do you hear” she said quietly, shocking me with her words.

I really didn’t know how to react or what to feel that moment, after being addressed by her in such manner. I equally couldn’t understand what she saw in me, that made her put so much interest. It isn’t as if i was overly attractive, heavily built nor very wealthy. I really couldn’t figure out a whole lot of things. Sometimes i equally found it hard to believe that i wasn’t dreaming, because it all looked like one giant dream or should i say LIE.


“you never cared calling or something. Nawa for you” she continued like a teenage girl.

“i guess i will have to add more conditions like calling and texting me into our deal” she added provocatively.

“i’m sorry, you know the way things are between us. I just can’t do alot of things for our own good which you know” i apologized,

“i don’t know a thing” she hastily replied,
“anyway that’s not really the reason i called” she said and kept quiet, drawing out my curiousity.

“i think i have something good for your friend. Something he can be managing until he gets a better job” she informed me. I breathed deeply, a deep smile appeared on my face.

“but you will have to come over with him, and the reason is because i don’t know nor trust him. You are the person i know, and you are going to stand in for him. So it’s all in your hands, i’ll help you inform him” she said calmly, leaving me speechless as my smile quickly died away.

“please what sort of Job is it?, and why are you making such demands out of me?” i managed to ask, my heart furiously pounding.

“i’m making no demands my dear. I’m just trying to help your friend through you. As for the job description, don’t bother about it until you guys show up” she replied carefully, leaving me stunned and confused.

“hey my children are here, would you like to speak with them? They are missing you ooo” she suddenly asked, while i laughed nervously.

“there’s no need speaking with them. i’ll be coming over before friday. I have to go, my mum is calling on my second line” i lied and hung up. Breathing deeply as i grabbed my pillow.

Exactly five minutes later, Frank called me.
“guy what’s up?, when are we going to Abuja? I can’t believe God answered my prayers so quickly” he said excitedly. My heart instantly froze.

I really didn’t know what to tell him because my dear friend was really too blind and happy to see my dilemna.

“so guy when are we really going?” he asked again. His voice filled with excitement and hope.

“i don’t know brother, i don’t know if i can be able to take you to her” i answered quietly, as if i was very scared to speak out. Breathing fast and nervously as i waited for him to say something, but he kept quiet for some seconds as if he was suddenly struck dumb.

“what do you mean?, i don’t understand” he asked with a raised tone.

“you know my position with that lady, you also know my relationship and future is at risk. Just understand” i pleaded weakly.

“i can’t understand a thing. What do you want me to understand huh?, you are saying that you can’t help me get this job?, after all we have been through together. C’mon be a man. What has your relationship got to do with you helping me out this once?” You know i didn’t save much during my Nysc. Nawa for you ooo” he ranted. Each word he said was muttered with anger, shock and disappointment. I felt bad, i just couldn’t do that to him. He was my friend and friends watch each others back.

“you must take me to her ooo. I will carry you on my head if need be” he concluded sharply.

“alright by sunday, i’ll get back to you” i promised reluctantly,

“no sir, by sunday we will be resting at her house” he concluded for me and hung up. I breathed deeply, extremely confused.

Tessy had managed to put me in a tight corner once again. I knew deep down that i would end up taking Frank to her, something i tried not to imagine. On thursday afternoon, Frank’s mother called to know if it was actually true that her son got a job offer through me. She ended up thanking and praying for me, while i recieved her blessings with mixed feelings.

Finally, on saturday morning, Frank showed up at my apartment with a small travelling bag.
“i hope you are set and ready because i’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer” he nervously asked with a smile.

By 9am the next day, we were already at Onitsha en route to Abuja.


By 4:38pm we were in a taxi, heading towards Obinna’s apartment. We could have headed straight to Tessy’s house just like Frank wanted, but i advised him against it as i brought up the idea of first settling at Obinna’s apartment, even though i never told Obinna prior to that moment that i was coming nor coming with a friend. And so i had to quickly make up a lie which i told him over the phone.

Luckily he bought my lie, and asked us to come over, which really was a big relief to me because i couldn’t imagine the scandal if we were to spend the night in Tessy’s house.

“Have you considered where you are going to live and how you are going to manage when you get the Job?” i asked Frank as we headed to Obinna’s house. He smiled, looked out of the car window{taxi} for a while before facing me.

“are you trying to scare me or what?” he asked searchingly. I laughed, shrugged and shook my head.

“of course not brother, we are already in Abuja aren’t we?. It just that the question crossed my mind when the bus stopped at the station” i lied carefully. He shook his head and said nothing.

Instead of calling me, Tessy called Frank later in the evening, asking of our whereabout. I had to take the phone from him and tell her that we will be coming over to her office the next day. She wasn’t pleased about it, and displayed her anger by rudely hanging up.

“i hope your actions aren’t going to cost me this job?” you know i need it for many things. One it can provide me with the experience and opportunity i need to search for a federal job” Frank cried anxiously, while i smiled and calmed him down.

Obinna as usual was a wonderful friend and host. He took us out for a little sight seeing, and spoiled us with drinks. He equally sampled three sweet damsels for us at the joint, but i wasn’t interested, due to my new found principles and problems bugging my mind.

We returned to the apartment very late in the evening with only one of the girls who had a wonderful time with Frank, but Obinna really surprised me by leaving the third girl Meant for him behind. Seriously Abuja is an enjoyable paradise if you are with money. The girls, clubs, cars, city, everything there is just superb and available for a fee.

As Frank went in to wrap up the show with his girl {at the second room}, Obinna and i settled down for a brief conversation in his sitting room.

“I can’t believe you and that lady is still in speaking terms. Don’t let her drag you to a court wedding one of these days, that’s the reigning thing in town. She’s very manipulative and i bet she’s heading towards that direction” he advised after listening to my story. I laughed heartily even though his words cut a hole in my heart.

By 10am the next day, Frank and i were seated at Tessy’s office, but surprisingly she wasn’t too happy to see us.

“what do i do to you? This silly boy” Tessy said to me with an angry smile as she walked into her office, after keeping us waiting for twenty five minutes.

“you are no longer the person i used to know. I thought we have reconciled?. Do you know that i can walk you guys out right now?” she threatened as she sat on her chair, while we kept quiet.

“please can you leave us alone” she suddenly said to a surprised Frank, who quickly stood up nervously. He really wasn’t sure of what he heard and so stared at both of us in confusion.

She flashed him a smile and nodded,
“just give us five minutes please” she said polietly.
“you can look around the shop while Val and i discuss a little business” she concluded. Frank had no choice than to grant her request.

“what’s up with you? Are we still quarelling or what?” she asked when we were alone. I shrugged and said nothing.

“seriously i’m far from understanding you. Your behaviour irritates me, and you know how cruel i can be when irritated” She said seriously.

“i’m sorry for irritating you. I just have to keep my distance and you know why” i apologized weakly,

“i don’t know why, but you have to know that some things can’t be erased, just like your memory. Do you know how many times i have tried to shut you out of my heart? You fu.cked me Val, you fuc.ked your way into my heart, you had series of s-x sessions with me and you think it’s nothing huh? I can’t get over my feelings so you have to do something about it” she said with fire in her eyes, feeling no shame over her outburst.

“Many guys will kill to have me, but here i’m always disgracing myself. Perhaps because you are the last guy to ever penetrate my body, or maybe because you are gentle in spirit. If it means nothing to you, it means a great deal to me. I’m done loving but i feel terrible without you” she poured out solemnly.

“what can i say?. I just don’t know, c’mon look at yourself. You are not more than thirty years old. You will die early if you continue like this” i said standing up and trying hard to appear brave, even though i was weak inside.

“please let’s talk about the job you are offering my friend. He badly needs it” i begged.

“yea i plan on making him an assistant manager and supervisor of this shop. He will see to the sales, take stocks, and supervise the salegirls. If he does well, in three months i will send him to supervise the shop i have at the outskirt of the town, which is three times the size of this one. Remember we have been there once?. The shop with Gym, mini resturant and car wash” she explained, while i smiled and liked my lips.

“but it all depends on you. We are far from being friends are we not?” she asked, instantly turning me around with the difficult question.

“so you won’t give my friend the job, if i fail to define our relationship?” i asked curiously,

“of course i’ll offer him the job” she replied with a smile, surprising me with the answer.

“what?” i murmured,

“oh yes, I will give him the job. Contrary to what you may think about me, i’m not heartless nor a kind of person who asks of something in return for a favour. Your friend needs the job, it shows in his eyes and i won’t be the person to kill his dream” she said with a calm smile, while i studied her suspiciously.

Tessy really was a very smart lady. She had a way of getting around me, and no matter how hard i tried to read her, i always ended up with more questions in my head.

“so can you now define our relationship to me?” she asked again, her eyes all over me,

“we are friends without benefit” i answered quietly. She shook her head and shrugged,

“okay if you say so” she breathed, her eyes darkening a little.

“I know it’s all because of your Ada girl” she eyed me,
“but don’t put too much hope in her. I know you will soon come running back to me” she added with a serious smile as if she saw my future. Her comment somehow terrified me, but i hid my feelings, even though i quickly remembered all the twin{Tessy’s godmother’s daughter} told me weeks ago.

“i’m not feeling too fine. It has been ages i last had s-x” she suddenly announced, expertly taking my mind off the previous comment with her new statement. But i still said nothing, which i knew surprised her, even though she never showed it.

“i’m inviting you to come see my kids this evening. I told them you were coming yesterday but you disappointed us. Don’t say no unless you want me to get angry” she swiftly said with a serious look.

“alright no problem” i accepted. She smiled and sent for Frank who soon joined us.

“you see i’m a very respectable lady and a difficult Boss. I will demand alot from you and take much of your time. I demand seriousness, dedication and uprightness from all my employees. I hate thieves and i hate anyone trying to steal from me. Be good to me and i will be good to you. Try and quickly arrange for an accomodation if you haven’t gotten any. You are now employed. Report back to me whenever you are ready to start. You are the new supervisor of this shop and you know what it means. A good start in a city of opportunities” she gently said to Frank whose eyes instantly lit up with happiness.

“thanks alot madam, i won’t disappoint you” he thanked her politely, while i smiled over his changed tone. But unknown to my friend, i helped him because i was compelled to do so. Deep down, i wasn’t comfortable with him getting close to Tessy since she wasn’t attracted to him and as i smiled, i equally was planning on making him drop or lose the Job.



I left Frank at Obinna’s apartment and went over to Tessy’s home to honour her invitation. My conscience wasn’t pleased with my decision but i shut my heart.

By 6:45pm, i was calmly seated in her sitting room while her Children played and jumped on my body. They really were very pleased to see me and jumped about as if i was their long lost uncle or should i say father. I had no choice than to act along with them.

“you see my children are very fond of you. I don’t know the reason you keep running away from us” Tessy joked as she watched her Children play. The smile on her face revealed how happy and satisfied she was over my presence in her house.

“you know we never really discussed the salary, you will be paying my friend. The excitement and tension made me forget all about it” i muttered curiously as we were having a quiet dinner minutes later. She dropped her fork, stared at me for a while, cleaned her mouth with a table cloth before smiling at me.

“do you think i will cheat on your friend, or take advantage of him?” she asked. I shrugged in defence.

“of course not. I’m only curious to know the amount you plan paying him” i answered quietly,

“I will discuss it with him, not you. So have you decided on what to do with your life after Nysc?” she cleverly asked, changing the topic.

“i will marry Adaora, and together we will live forever after” i answered smiling. She simply rolled her eyes and laughed.

“oh please, in your dream. Anyway best of luck” she said with laughter, while i instantly kept a straight face, saying nothing. It really was the second time she was making a jest of my relationship with Adaora just within hours. Something that got me worried, even though i hid my feelings.

“you know that i’m helping your friend because of you?” she suddenly asked, expecting me to say something but i didn’t.

“you can still count on me for anything. No strings attached. Let’s forget things of the past and leave them where they belong” she said like an angel while i nodded like a lizard.
As she dropped me at Obinna’s house, by 9:35pm, she brought out an envelope which she tried to give me.
“since you guys are returning to Imo state tomorrow. I feel obliged to pay for the transport fare, after all you guys came on my request. It’s just fifteen thousand” She said with a smile, which truly was quite tempting. But my dealings with her taught me quite alot. I learnt from her that no money freely given, were actually given for free.

“oh don’t bother. We have enough money with us” i smiled,

“so you are rejecting my gift?” she said with a drawn face,
“fine give it to your friend” she quickly added, putting me in a difficult position.

“i’ll call and tell him about the money tomorrow. Your friend needs it and he won’t forgive you if you reject it” she said, dropping it on my laps. I breathed deeply, took the money and left her car.

The next day, Frank and I headed back to Imo state. My dear friend was more than happy and satisfied with our journey, plus the fifteen thousand Naira i brought for him. But unknown to him, i was very determined to stop him from taking the job, which made me offer to go with him to the village when we got to Owerri as a friendly gesture.

Little did he know that i was about serving him with the medicine he was fond of serving me during our university days. I was about doing to him something which he was so good at.
Something which i really wasn’t proud of, but had to do in order to safeguard my interest.

We finally got to Frank’s family house by 7:35pm. I was nervous as i alighted from my car. I had a big plan i was scared to carry out.

Just as i expected, his mother rushed out from the house to welcome us. She really was surprised to see me, showing her happiness by the way she hugged us.

“my mind is now at rest” she said happily. I nodded and smiled, while Frank shook hands with me before walking into his room.

“i have to start going, good night ma” i murmured polietly, turning to leave,

“what! Don’t tell me you are driving back to Owerri by this hour?” she asked with concern, stopping me with her words. My heart pounded furiously, as i rehearsed my plan one more time.

“can’t you spend the night here with us? Must you rush back to Owerri this evening?” she asked curiously.

“no i’m not returning to Owerri, but heading to my village” i answered politely. She shrugged and breathed deeply.

“did my son get the job?, what sort of job is it?” she asked curiously, drawing close with all her attention. I smiled to myself, things really were working as i expected. I had studied my friend’s mother so much to know that she was the curious type. I knew she would like to hear my opinion just like most mothers, which really prompted me to offer taking Frank home.

I cleverly looked around for any sign of Frank. He was no where near, just like i prayed. All stage was then set for me to do wonders with my tongue.

“yea he got the job, but unfortunately. It isn’t the type of job i expected. He got the job of a salesman” i answered, stopping to watch her reaction.

“salesman?, in a company?” she asked hopefully,

“no in a big shop. You know supermarket?, boutique? Something like that” i explained, while she drew back with astonishment. Just like every mother, she was expecting a respectable white collar job for her graduate son and not the work of a shop boy. A very painful thing.

“The owner of the shop is a very young woman. A divorcee with kids, and i have a feeling Frank will be moving into her house until he gets his own apartment. She’s a very nice woman and likes your son. So i don’t think there will be any problem, moreover he likes the job” i explained with an innocent smile, while she drew back with mixed feelings.

“mbanu {no} It can’t happen. Shop boy?, my graduate son selling shoes and biscuits!, for what nah?, how much will he be paid?, he can’t just travel all the way to Abuja for that sort of Job. God gave me money to send him to the university. God will still give me the money to feed him, until he gets a better work. What if he goes to live with that woman and she ends up influencing and marrying him. I have heard stories. He isn’t going anywhere. My only son, mbanu” she poured out seriously.

“i don’t think Frank feels the same way you do. It’s better you talk with him” i suggested, smiled and left the furious woman. I had no doubt she would complete my plans for me, but i was a bit scared of the outcome..

All that was then left, was for me to sit and wait.

Very early the next day, Frank called me on phone. I smiled nervously as i picked up my phone, I knew what was coming next. The early morning phone call didn’t come as a surprise, Infact i was expecting it.

“nawa for you!, what did you tell my mother?, what did you do to me?, why must you tell her about the shop” he barked, clearly displaying his anger without thinking. His voice was very loud and strong.

“why did you tell my mother all the nasty things you told her? Must you tell her everything?. Must you talk about Tessy’s marital status? You have ruined my first job offer and i’m far from being pleased with you. I knew all along that you never really wanted to help me. What did i do to warrant it?” he poured out unhappily. The tone he used on me was that of anger, bitterness, frustration and disappointment. I felt bad, but there wasn’t any need for me crying over split milk, moreover i did what i felt was good for my future. He wasn’t the type of friend i could trust with a seasoned manipulative lady like Tessy.

“i really don’t understand you bro?, i don’t get you? what did i do huh?. You know the kind of woman your mother is, Don’t you?. She asked me lots of questions and i answered them innocently, why now are you laying blame on me for answering her?. You never asked me to lie to her, did you?. Why now are you bringing up unwarranted accusations against a friend who did nothing but help you get a job. I don’t like your atitude Frank, seriously i don’t” i fired back with an angry voice, which really worked great magic on him because he instantly brought down his tone.

“i’m sorry, i guess you are right” he murmured, stopping to breathe while i smiled to myself.
“My mum is against me taking the job. I have tried convincing her but she isn’t buying my reasons” he announced.

“JEEZ!” I exclaimed,
“why?, what’s wrong with the job?, what matters is the salary, moreover it’s better than staying idle. Why is she kicking against it?” i asked with an innocent tone.

“i don’t know oooo. She dosen’t want me to work in a shop. She promised to open a shop for me in the village, if i try arguing with her over the matter again” he poured out. I felt like laughing, but controlled myself.

“don’t worry brother, i will come over and try my best to convince her this weekend” I promised. But i never kept my word because i rushed home two days later after getting a distress call from my mother.

“i don’t know dear, but i think we are on the verge of losing Adaora. If she really means anything to you and to our family, you have to come back home as fast as you can” she {had} begged, sending great fear into my heart with her words. My thoughts ran wild as i thought of many things. It really was the first time she was sounding so anxious over Adaora’s position in a long while.

“is Tessy on it again” i wondered as i nervously drove home.

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

Interesting story and full of suspense but too many repetition of words (swallowed hard, shrugged, scoffed, biting of lips, etc)

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