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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 51 – 100)


Life as a corper



“do you really want to know?” i asked as i thought over her question,

“sure i do” she replied with a smile,

“alright let’s go and sit down” i offered and looked towards my chair, suprisingly Elinor and Tessy were no where to be found. They weren’t sitting where i last saw them.

I quietly returned to my seat with the young girl following closely.

She sat on Tessy’s chair crossed her legs and smiled,

“i’m listening” she urged me,

“why are you so curious?” i asked,

“because you don’t look familiar” she replied and shrugged.

“do you know everyone present in this function?” i asked curiously,

“i guess so, but you i don’t” she answered. I rubbed my face and swallowed hard, quietly arranging my lies.

“i flew into town yesterday, i base in Enugu where my business is located, Elinor is a very close family friend” i simply explained, but my explanation really wasn’t enough for her, she drew forward and stared into my eyes.

“what sort of business do you do?” she asked,

“i run C.ben & sons limited, Estate developers with properties in almost every state in Nigeria including some African countries. My dad recently died, leaving the family business for me” i lied with a convincing smile, while her eyes lit up brightly. She quickly fetched a cigar from her pocket, lit it up and blew out smoke as she offered a stick to me.

“no thanks i don’t smoke” i replied with a smile.

“i guess we are now friends, my name is selena” she introduced,

“mine is val” i replied and looked up at Elinor and Tessy who were just returning that moment with a tray of drinks and pepper soup. The D.J equally stopped the music almost instantly while the M.C expertly took over.

“i guess it’s time i leave you guys alone” she stood up and smiled, while Tessy and Elinor returned her smile sweetly.

“save your phone number in mine, so i can easily contact you just in case” she threw her phone on my laps and smoked carelessy. I obeyed without hesistation, saved my phone number in her’s and returned her phone.

She smiled and left without looking back but Tessy wasn’t happy about it. A frown suddenly appeared on her face, but she never did complain until hours later when we returned to her house.

She quietly demanded to know everything i discussed with selena, which i did without hiding anything from her.

“just be careful in how you give out your phone numbers, it can land you into serious problem in this city” She advised after my narration, Kissed me good night and retired to her room…


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I returned to Imo state on monday to resume my life as a teacher. It really wasn’t easy adapting to my new life but i had no choice.

Jenny was extremely helpful and assisted me greatly like a good friend. Though I sort of used my charms and gentle nature in buying over much of her friendship that within days we were just short of being lovers.

Teaching in a secondary school really isn’t easy in anyway, because there isn’t room for any failure. The students all assumed we knew everything, so in order to meet up to their demands i returned to my books and buried myself in them. I read and prepared each day as if i was about sitting for another degree exam.

The female students, though younger than i expected them to be, were devils in disguise and temptations to behold. They came after me like flies chasing after a dirty cow and as a responsible graduate, it was my responsiblity to caution, discourage and advice them. They were nothing but young teenagers who were just noticing many changes in their body chemistry, very eager to experiment, and cluless of the consequencies.

Most of them saw young male corpers as imported high class objects of pleasure, while some of my male corper friends equally satisfied the girls beliefs and displayed what they know best without reserve. My advice mostly went unheeded.


Jenny and i walked into our lodge from school, very tired and hungry. She carried a nylon bag containing two pineapples which we bought on our way back, while i carried text books belonging to both of us.

She stopped in front of her room which was locked from within, knocked for a while before sighing and rolling her eyes,

“oops i even forgot” she murmured to herself, turned and faced me. I instantly stared inquisitively at her as i waited for an explanation.

“sonia’s guy came over from Abia state this morning, i guess they are still busy” she explained with a smile, while i gasped in surprise.

“he is serving at one local government in Abia state, you can’t believe they have dated for four years” she added as we entered my room.

“so how about you, do you have a boyfriend?” i asked. She simply scoffed, sat on my bed and stared at me.

“what do you think?” she asked with a smile,

“i do think you are a very beautiful and decent girl who should be married by now” i replied and sat on my rug.

“you know i have been thinking why you do show so much care towards my friend and i. I know for a fact that guys don’t show such gestures for nothing, so tell me why is it that you show so much kindness to us?” she asked softly but curiously with prying eyes. I breathed deeply and returned her look seriously.

“because i do need your friendship much more than you need mine. I couldn’t have found my feet in this school without your support, which i’m very grateful for” i explained.

“so we are friends simply because we are working together and nothing else?” she probed further,

“yea even though i find you attractive oooo” i joked. She laughed and shrugged.

“are you sure?” she asked,

“yep” i replied with a smile.

“alright so be it” she murmured, before changing the topic.

As i slept later that night i deliberated over our discussion seriously. Truly i haboured some intimate feelings for her because she really was attractive, but i really couldn’t mention it without sounding disrespectful. Moreover i needed her friendship and help much more than i needed her body.

“No she dosen’t look like a girl who will offer her body to me just for the fun. She’s very decent for such behaviour” i concluded. Yet i couldn’t help wondering why she asked such prying questions.

“was she only being curious as a lady? Or is she equally habouring some intimate feelings?” I asked myself over and over.

I knew it wasn’t love because we both were educated, experienced and intelligent enough not to fall in love so easily, making me rule out the possibility.


I travelled to Enugu very early on saturday to see my family and spend some days with them. Tessy really wanted me to come visiting again but i didn’t accept her invitation nor listen to her pleas.

My mum and sisters were overjoyed when they saw me drive into our compound. I equally smiled happily as i hugged them and breathed the joy of a happy home.

After breakfast, mum briefed me on some family issues mostly about late Dad’s business before listening to some of my stories. We really spent a long time discussing like mother and son.

“Chief Peter told me you are yet to visit him again why?” mum chipped in when we were about rounding up our discussion. I instantly nodded as i remembered dad’s friend, the old politician {with hidden motive} who helped us over a land issue. I really had forgotten all about him, but i cleverly concealed it from her.

“you know i have been very busy since the last time i saw him, i really havn’t gotten a day of rest till today mum” i replied quietly,

“it’s okay endeavor to bring out time next week and visit him, you know we are very much indepted to him and we do need someone like him to be on our side” she said with a smile, stood up, tapped my left shoulder and left the dinning room.

I had a wonderful day of rest at home, it was very memorable and eventful. I enjoyed every moment i spent with mum and my little sisters. Sunday evening i headed back to Imo state with a heavy heart.


I unlocked my door, entered my room and laid on my bed unhappily. I cursed vividly as a mosquito welcomed me by singing on my ear. I slapped myself hard, checked my right palm, saw no dead mosquito on it and cursed again. Just that moment, my phone beeped as a text message appeared on it.

I quickly opened it and scoffed as my eyes fell on a well constructed love text sent by an unknown girl{number} confessing how much she loves me and how she couldn’t close her eyes without my image appearing in HD. At first i simply scanned the text over and over paying no serious attention on it. But after a while i began searching my mind for her identity.

“who could have sent it?” i wondered thoughtful, because I knew for a fact that it wasn’t from Adaora. She never sent text messages without ending it with the ‘love name’ we used for each other nor used an unknown phone number to send me such texts.

“Could it be Tessy?” I queried myself, but Tessy really wasn’t the type who would spend her time typing such lovely words when she could easily call and say them without hiding anything.

“what of Olivia could she be the one?” i wondered deeply, but no she really was too full of herself to send such without calling to demand something in return.

“Elinor???, hmmm impossible” i murmured,

So who then sent it??


Out of deep curiousity i dialled the ‘unknown number’ in order to ascertain who sent the text message, but an unfamiliar female voice quickly answered as soon as my call connected.

“good evening corper, did you get my text?” she greeted and asked with a soft young voice.

“yea please who am i speaking with?” i asked carefully,

“hmmm i can’t tell you right now, but just know i’m someone not too close nor too far away from you” she replied, confusing me more. I instantly became very suspicious, fearing a friend was purposely pulling my leg or testing me.

“i guess i will have to end this phone call good night” i threatened coldly,

“no no wait, don’t you want to find out who i’m?” she asked,

“offcourse i do, so please stop the silly game and reveal your identity” i answered.

“alrighttttt okayyyy, i will visit you tomorrow, will you be free in the morning?” she asked, while i scratched my head thoughtfully,

“who could she be? Is she serious or still pulling my legs?” i wondered,

“do you know where i live?” i asked, expertly avoiding her question,

“i know much more than that, ar.n’t you staying in a green house?” she asked and laughed. I breathed deeply and cursed.

“dam.n she’s someone close, but can Jenny be behind this?” i asked myself doubtfully.

“please you are wasting your airtime, i will visit you before 4pm tomorrow, goodnight” she announced and hung up, while i speechlessly shrugged, dropped my phone, switched on my generator and soon slept off after a quick supper.
I went to Owerri the next morning to pay my late dad’s friend{chief Peter} a visit, without bothering to book an appointment, because i was unable to reach him through his cell phone {which wasn’t connecting}.

He wasn’t in his office when i got there. So i had to wait after learning from his assistant that he went for a meeting at the other end of the town. I waited for almost two hours before unhappily leaving. I really wasn’t happy spending one thousand five hundred naira in such a futile journey.

It was precisely 1:30PM, just few minutes after i returned to my lodge. I heard gentle knocks on my door.
I quietly got up from my bed, opened my door and gasped as my eyes fell on a female SS2 student smiling nervously at me.

I quickly glanced at my watch in surprise and panic, wondering what she was doing at my door when she was supposed to be in school {partaking in holiday extra mural lessons organised by the school P.T.A}. I was terribly scared a villager might see her and conclude something nasty. I detest village gossips with passion.

“Could she be the girl behind yesterday’s love text??” i asked myself.

I was very much at lost on what to do as i wondered whether it was safe allowing her into my room or much better leaving her outside in full view of everyone. She really was way too young to be left alone in a room with me considering the evil world we live in. But the young girl wasn’t scared at all as she smiled at me like a model.

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what are you doing here ain’t you supposed to be in school?” i asked the young girl seriously,

“but corper didn’t i promise to visit you today when we spoke on phone yesterday” she replied with a smile. I bit my lips and scoffed.

“so you are the girl behind yesterday’s text message, how did you get my phone number?” i asked searchingly. She rolled her eyes and smiled sweetly.

“allow me into your room first nau, do you want to keep me outside?” she asked respectfully. I scratched my head, allowed her in and quietly scanned the environment before closing my door.

“hmmm you have a lovely t.v, would you like me to help you with anything” she asked as she sat on a small plastic chair,

“anything like what?” i asked quietly,

“sweeping, washing or cooking for you, just name it” she offered. I sat on my bed and stared at her intently.

“why did you send me such text yesterday?” i asked seriously. She quickly blushed and looked away, while i nervously waited for her to say something,

“you know i can report you for such action, now speak up, who gave you my phone number?” i threatened. She fidgeted and bit her fingers.

“i didn’t mean any harm, i’m sorry” she murmured and stood up. I quickly grabbed her left hand and prevented her from leaving, but just that moment, someone knocked on my door.

My heart skipped as i contemplated whether to answer my door or not. After some seconds, i unlocked my door, opened it and saw Jenny standing outside, carrying a hot plate of indomie.

“abeg comot for road don’t you see i’m carrying something, shift before this Nepa people takes light abeg, i want to finish that film i was watching before you travelled” she said playfully, while i hesitantly made way for her.

She walked into my room and froze with shock when she saw the young girl standing inside. She instantly gave me a searching look before bending down to drop the plate she was carrying. But before she could do that and get up to her feet the young girl fled surprising us immensely.

Jenny scoffed and instantly looked at me suspiciously, like a mother who caught her child stealing from her purse.

“why did she walk away? Hope you ain’t harrassing her, moreover what’s she doing here with you when her mates are having mathematics lesson in school?” she asked with shock, disbelief and suspicion.

I was speechless, shaken and flabbergasted as i stared back at her. I knew it would be hard convincing or proving my innocence to her.

I swallowed hard, breathed deeply, fetched my phone, opened my inbox and showed her the love text the young girl sent me the previous evening.

“she sent me this text yesterday, so i invited her to verify who really was behind the text” i explained while her face coloured immensely.

I swiftly nodded to buttress my explanation as i stared hopefully at her, without even knowing the reason i was explaining myself in such manner to her.

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