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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 51 – 100)


Life as a corper

Episode 56

“i’m very sorry dear” i apologized, pecked her and opened the door,

“next time i won’t leave this house without my spare keys” she murmured to herself as she walked into the living room. I shrugged, breathed deeply and followed her, eagerly awaiting her outburst which i knew would soon pour on me.

“here is your call up letter, Nassarawa camp things, but you were redeployed to Imo, that’s the best she could do for you against my wish” she said coldly, and gave me my call up letter.

“thanks” i murmured and tried to kiss her. She pushed me aside and walked into her room. Tessy called me {on phone} seconds later. I rushed into the other room locked the door and answered her phone-call.

“hey hope you got home safely?” she asked,

“yep thanks for checking up on me” i replied,

“i just came into my office seconds ago” she added,

“that’s cool, later nau” i murmured,

“hmmm not so fast, or are you very anxious to end my call?” she asked. I swallowed hard, while my heart froze because just that moment Adaora turned the door knob and began knocking on the door when she couldn’t open it.

I instantly opened my phone ‘back-cover’ took out the battery, inserted it back, replaced the back cover and threw the phone inside my trouser pocket before opening the door.

“are you having lunch with me or is your stomach filled up?” she asked coldly with suspicion in her eyes.

“yes dear i’m very hungry” i replied with a smile which made me look a little bit silly because there really was nothing to smile about. I equally wasn’t hungry but had to lie in order to save myself the explanation, even though she surprisingly never asked any prying questions which was very much unlike her.
She gave me an askance look and left the room with a sneer.

Seriously her behaviour left me very agitated because i really didn’t know what to expect from her, what was in her mind or how much she knew about my movements. But one thing i knew for certain was that the level of trust she had for me really wasn’t much anymore. A fact which really terrified me, especially when i couldn’t guess what she was habouring in her mind.

Even though we do hate girls who nags alot, they are sometimes very much preferable than silent cold hearted ones who do keep their feelings strongly locked, because you never can predict their actions. A new strategy which Adaora surprisingly implemented.

I had no choice than to try my best to infiltrate her mind, lie about my movements and make peace with her. A very terrible task considering how strong hearted she could be sometimes….

“but why allow myself to be cajoled by Elinor and Tessy?” hmmm i guess there won’t be any adventure if i wasn’t cajoled.

Isn’t it very silly, risking everything for the sake of adventure?? Hmmmm

But wait, i never did accept their offer or did i??

Episode 57

I followed Adaora to the kitchen, held her waist from behind and kissed her neck,

“i’m very sorry dear, i got bored staying here all alone, so i took a little stroll down town” i explained,

“please save yourself the explanation, i never asked you for it” she replied coldly,

“cm’on on dear why are you like this?” i asked and kissed her neck again,

“it pains me alot whenever you start your little pranks, it pains me further when you lie about it, but do you know what pains me the most?” she asked, turned and faced me. I swallowed hard and met her gaze,

“when you come up with a stupid lie which even a nursery school pupil will find hard to believe” she muttered with anger in her eyes,

“so you think i will buy your stupid lie about strolling downtown in a hot afternoon, mummy’s boy like you, abeg go jor, just know that nothing is hidden under the sun for long, and just pray that whatever will end our relationship should be something which you will be proud to talk about or tell your people without blushing” she poured out and left the kitchen.

I swallowed hard with a fast pounding heart, while her words kept repeating in my head like a stereo player. My conscience equally flogged me. I really was thrown into a terrible state.

Sometimes carefully selected words can pull down a man with a lion heart. Her words truly sounded like a very big warning as if she somehow caught a glimpse of the direction i was heading.

“just pray that whatever will end our relationship should be something which you will be proud to talk about or tell your people without blushing” kept repeating again and again in my head.

‘d–n Adaora’ i cursed, brought out my phone {which was already switched off} and stared at it, as if it was the cause of my problems. I bit my lips, breathed deeply, rushed to my room, opened my travelling bag, threw the phone inside, sat on the floor with exhaustion and thought over my actions.

Surely if only i could leave this phone switched off for atleast a week, everything will turn back to normal” i reasoned, “but can i?” i wondered and breathed deeply.

My eyes instantly fell on my second phone which was switched off since i arrived Abuja from Owerri. I remembered Olivia, sighed and grabbed it, wondering how many messages she must have left in it for me….

Episode 58

I gently dropped the phone back in my bag, locked and returned the bag to its position, went to the dinning room, sat down and waited for lunch.

Lunch was soon served and we ate quietly. I threw occasional glances at Adaora without knowing what to say to her,

ma petite” i called one at a time, but she kept quiet and ignored me,

“wifey, answer me nau” i begged,

“öginidú{what is it}, leave me alone and eat your meal” she murmured,

“i’m sorry for everything” i apologized quietly. She scoffed, looked at me and shook her head.

“you are always ready and quick to apologize” she muttered. I shrugged with a shoulder and stared back at her,

“i just learnt from you, that people who are always quick to apologize are the greatest sinners” she added, scoffed again and swallowed a ball of garri.

“just keep on doing whatever you feel like, i’m tired of sticking my nose into your affair, here is Abuja and not Owerri, H.I.V is very real and cheap in this city” she muttered and faced her meal.

“i really don’t know what you are habouring inside, but your comments have shown the level you kept me” i replied and sighed.

“let’s stop all these abeg, and better start preparing yourself for NYSC camping which is just days away” she expertly changed the topic with a cold smile. I shook my head, covered my food and left the table.

“you could have said you ain’t hungry mister” she mocked as i walked away.


She woke me from sleep, sat by my side and stared at me with a cold smile,

“i guess you are enjoying the rain huh?” she asked. I rubbed my eyes, sat up and stared out of the window{close by},

“sorry for waking you, but mum authorized me, she wants to speak with you” she explained and handed her phone to me,

“good afternoon ma” i greeted,

“good evening sir” she replied, “when are you returning, Adaora told me you guys have sorted out your redeployment issue?” she asked,

“i don’t know mum” i answered like a silly boy,

“you don’t know?” she repeated with a raised tone, “anyway what happened to your phones, none is connecting” she asked,

“i switched them off ma” i replied, while she sighed,

“give Adaora back her phone jare, let me talk to her” she muttered angrily. I obeyed without hesistation. Adaora collected her phone and left the room……

Mum’s question really got me back to my senses, i suddenly realised that my stay in Abuja was almost over, which pained me, because i really was begining to enjoy it.

“seriously we need to talk” Adaora returned to my room with both hands on her waist, looking very serious and mean.

“what again?” i asked inquisitively,

“first, where are your phones, i only have seen one since you came here, i want to know everything you are hiding, i can’t keep quiet anymore, after all my health and life is also involved” she asked defiantly. I fell back on my bed and thought of how best to escape her latest tantrum.

Her eyes showed how determined she was, and i couldn’t help wondering whether mum who always have been a peace advocate sold such idea into her head or whether she just suddenly felt like confronting me.

Whatever it was, i knew i surely needed divine intervention or a very smart move to save myself….

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Episode 59

“seems like i have over-stayed my welcome, i will be leaving tomorrow” i threatened,

“it won’t still stop me from seeing your phones” she replied,

“when last did i ask of yours?” i asked and sat up,

“i can’t remember, moreover it shows you don’t care” she answered coldly. I stared at her with a gentle smile.

“no my dear, it’s not because i don’t care, but because i trust you” i explained quietly. She rubbed her nose and looked away silently,

“how do i punish you, after checking my phone and finding nothing incriminating in it?” i asked, stood up and walked towards her.

“is it now a crime to check my boyfriend’s handset?” she asked quietly,

“my dear you requested for it in a very bad manner” i answered and held her hand.

“you want my phone, i will give it to you, but know that it pains me alot when you question or suspect my movements” i murmured and breathed deeply. She looked into my eyes, tried to say something but no word came out from her mouth.

“i can be very callous and unreasonable sometimes, but what i will never do is to cheat on you, forget about chinwe’s era you know how it started and ended, you are my very special petite, please start trusting me” i poured out humbly with plea in my eyes. She breathed deeply looked away with confusion while i calmly hugged her.

“i love your spirit, the fire in your eyes, your courage and temper, but please learn to control them or we may end up falling out in future” i drew up her tender lips and kissed her. She shook under my kiss and tightly held me.

“do you still need my phone?” i asked,

“no just make love to me, and swear as you do it that you never will make love with another woman in your life, i want it raw” she murmured in a hot whisper,

“baby do you believe in superstition?” i asked seriously,

“not really but just swear anyway, let’s make use of this cold weather” she murmured like a s-x starved female soldier.

I carried her to my bed, quickly undressed her while she laid motionless and stared at me,

“you know we are one, mum told me we were destined to be together right from our birth, promise me you won’t keep anything from me ever again” she begged,

“i promise my love, you are very beautiful” i murmured and kissed her.

“thank God” i breathed happily as i fondled her b.osoms, even though i knew it was just a matter of time before i finally get caught unless i retrace my steps.

Losing Adaora surely will be a huge blow to me and my family, but one thing about Elinor and Tessy’s type is that they are just like plasmodium {malaria parasite}, no amount of drugs can flush them all out, once they have gotten into a person’s system, unless perhaps i leave the environment which i really wasn’t ready to do yet….

Survival is a game with chance…

Episode 60

3 Days later

She slowly glided up my body, the softness of her b.osoms teased my chest and brushed my mouth with a kiss as artless and bewitching as a virgin’s. I opened my eyes dreamily and groaned with delight.

“good morning dear” Adaora greeted with a naughty smile, while her eyes sparkled like polished gemstones. I smiled happily.

“how was your night?” she asked,

“hectic” i murmured and winked at her. My mind flashed back to the hot se.x we had before falling asleep.

“oh what an energy sapping se.x” it was.

“it’s time to finish what you started last night” she murmured, smirked and bent over. Licking and sucking my nipp.les.

She calmly kissed a hot trail down my abdomen, dallying at my navel and sequentially prodding the blankets away until my jo.ystick surged up to greet her waiting lips. She was exhaustingly adept as she utilized her tongue and teeth in myriad ways that incited me to recklessness.

“oh Adaora” i groaned.

I planned on travelling home that fateful day, but her plea the previous night made me change my mind,

“baby 26th is still very far, stay with me till wednesday at least” she begged, while i smiled and accepted.

I really spent the last two days atoning for my sins and redeeming my prestige. A step which i took in order to win back not only her soul, but her happiness, trust and our future. I still left my phones firmly locked up in my bag where i tucked them before our last {near} fight. I shut myself away from unnecessary pleasures and dedicated all my time satisfying and pleasing her. An effort which unregretably cost me a lot but yielded much more in profit.

But no matter all these, i still couldn’t get my mind off Tessy and Elinor and it just looked as if i returned that wednesday ‘i last associated with them’ with something which i only could describe as their shadows, following and haunting my mind. I felt a little bit of guilt each time i remembered them.

However just to satisfy my conscience, i broke my resolve and decided to call Elinor on phone later that saturday. But it really wasn’t just an ordinary phone call, but a phone call which i intended to use and explain my stand one more time to her. A step which i made up my mind to take even though it really wasn’t justifyable when looking at it from a certain perspective.

Yes I did call her,

So many mistakes i made back then,

I don’t think you can guess what happened after i made that one phone call.


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