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Vajay-jay: Signs you have a loose vagina



Loose vaginas is a cause of interest since it makes it difficult for women to experience orgasm. It also causes lack of confidence in women.

So in order to regain lost confidence and to enjoy sex to the fullest, it is crucially important for the woman to employ methods that can effectively get their vag back to its pre-delivery tightness.

There are several reasons why a woman can end up with a loose or a flappy vagina, most of which are nothing to be embarrassed about. However, the most obvious offender for flappy ladybits among women in their child-bearing ages.

Below are 5 signs that you should look out for.

1. The urinary stress infection

Majority of women who lose vagina tightness experience urine leakage commonly known as stress indulgence. This is an embarrassing condition that occurs when the muscles that control the release of urine and support the bladder become weak. Pelvic floor muscles can weaken as you age or after menopause owing to low levels of estrogen. Childbirth, injury to your urethra and pelvic surgery can also make these muscles weak and in result the vagina becomes loose.

2. Difficulty gripping your index finger

Simply slide your forefinger into your vagina and clasp it with the labia by contracting the muscles. Then insert your index and middle fingers to assess tightness as compared to a single finger. If you can insert your ring, middle, and index finger hold together and cannot feel anything, then it is most likely that you’re loose.

3. Trouble with orgasm

When you realize that you have difficulties achieving orgasm, it may be a symptom that you’re loose. An orgasm, also called climax, is the peak of a sexual response cycle and is usually the result of intense sexual stimulation. It generally requires a lengthy, sustained stimulation, particularly when you are first beginning to explore it.

4. Insensitivity with smaller objects

When you aren’t satisfied with anything that is slid into your vagina and you have a hard time feeling stimulated, chances are you’re stretched. Most people don’t know this, but inserting a larger object so as to feel stimulation is not a solution to their problems. While larger objects will bring you some benefits, the most crucial one being increased sexual pleasure. it will worsen the problem in the long run. There are various techniques like kegels that work to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

5. Reduced sexual pleasure

You have a loose vagina if you don’t have a lot of sensation from intercourse anymore, and your partner does not seem to enjoy it. A healthy sex life is similar to having a healthy lifestyle. They both have different meanings to different individuals. What makes up a healthy sex life for one pair may be different from what another pair desires. However, all women desire to be tighter which allows ample pleasure of sexual activity.

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