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Vacation Sex: 5 Reasons it is best while on holiday



Whether you’re trekking your way up a mountain, or sightseeing with bae, as far as it is a time-out from your regular routine, it is just so damn good for your body and soul.

However, we are more interested in the erotic sexual pleasure while on vacation. It’s going to be refreshing and also giving you a license to try out new moves and indulge in longer, lazier, more connected action.

Below are some of the reasons vacation sex is the best sex.

1. More relaxed

Stress and sex don’t blend. When you’re free from the regular work stress, your brain and body can chill out and that takes your sex life to the next level. So being relaxed helps in another way too. It allows you to be more tuned to your partner and not being mentally miles away, with work deadlines and other life pressures. While on “baecation”, you have this extra space emotionally that you can devote to having fun and being with your partner, which of course makes room for better sex.

2. Lots of time to explore

Being away lets you have sex round the clock whenever and for how long you want. However, when at home you just have to follow the regular routine. While on vacation, you can always experiment with different times of the day that feels best for you instead of getting pushed into having sex in the evening.

3. The new environment can add spice to your sex life

When on vacation, make sure to take advantage of all the things your new surroundings have to offer, like an outdoor swimming pool or a nice balcony for that sexual romp you have on your bucket list. Getting sexy in new spaces will force you to get creative with positions. Just bringing all of that freshness into your sexual experience can heighten things and make sex more exciting.

4. The adventurous feeling becomes stronger

Vacationing in a new environment automatically comes with a sense of adventure. You see new kinds of stuff, eating new foods, hearing new languages. Don’t be surprised if your newfound desire to explore carries over into the bedroom. It’s the right opportunity to say to your partner, “I’ve been wanting to try tantric sex in bed and now is the perfect time to do it.”

5. Your closeness to your partner gets more intimate

Sometimes just navigating the airport and getting where you need to go makes you feel like you’re a team and like your partner has got your back. And of course, the closer you feel, the more likely it is that you’ll have closer, and more meaningful sex.

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