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[Story] Mr Lecturer Season 2 (Complete Episodes)


[Story] Mr Lecturer Season 1 (Complete Episodes)
[Story] Mr Lecturer Season 2 (Complete Episodes)

The story below is an exclusive work of a hardworking writer. All forms of reproduction in parts or full without prior written permission of the author is vehemently prohibited. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical or otherwise). Any form of plagiarism will be thoroughly prosecuted. whenever you copy any of our stories to ur friends on whatapp, aways tag it with our website name.

Episode 1

I stared into my wife’s eyes and saw nothing but pain and uncertainty in them. It was obvious she was suffering much more than I was, even though she tried very much to conceal everything with the words of encouragement that came from her mouth. I nervously kissed her.

“we are not going anywhere my love. We aren’t going to any city or country to start all over again. Of course you know getting a new profitable job isn’t easy. I also can’t forgive myself if you give up the great job you currently have for my sake. My dear we are staying in this city to fight to the end. I’m not the only sinner in the world. I will stay back to correct everything. I’m no coward. I will fight to the very end to get my job back and clear my name” i said to her strongly. She closed her eyes for a while before staring at me once again.

“i really don’t know the reason you are insisting on staying back in this town. It’s not as if you were accused wrongly” she said with all seriousness. I kissed her once again with shaking hands and lips, trembling before her.

“i just don’t know what’s making you so adamant on staying back. I equally don’t know how you plan clearing your name. I’m having a very bad feeling about it. Please don’t do anything stupid” she begged, staring me deep in the eyes. I breathed deeply, kissed her forehead and hugged her strongly.
To be sincere, that very moment i really had no plan in mind nor any clue on how to clear my name and get my job back, but i had this strange believe that staying back in the city to fight for my job was way better and easier than moving to another city to start all over again. All i just had to do was simply to come up with a great plan or idea to help me achieve my aim.

Later in the night as i slept beside my wife, i took my time to draw out many plans in my mind. Unfortunately, the more i planned, the more confused i got until i came to the conclusion that there wasn’t anyway i could clear my name without getting the help of a very powerful person in government. And as the thought came into my head, i remembered an old student or should i say a friend.

“of course yes. The senator’s daughter. She promised to help me with anything, when i helped her out the previous year. Yes now is the time. Oh God thank you” i breathed happily, sitting up on the bed with joy as i slowly remembered how she came into my office with her friends to beg for my help and how i helped them without any demands. I equally remembered how she effortlessly introduced me to her family.

“now i do believe that everything happens for a purpose” i breathed happily, but my excitement was suddenly cut short as i noticed that my wife was equally sitting up on the bed instead of sleeping. I nervously switched on the electric table lamp close to me, and as the room lit up, i saw tears dropping from her eyes which touched me greatly.

“i had a very bad dream my love. I just don’t know what the future holds for us in this city. I also watched how you sprang up from the bed without even noticing me. I just feel that the worst is yet to come” she muttered as more tears dropped from her eyes.

“dear Lord” i breathed

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Episode 2

“so what’s the dream all about my love?” i asked with great concern. She shook her head, nodded and folded her hands.

“never mind my dear. Just go back to sleep, i’m okay. It’s better not to talk about the nightmare i just had” she answered calmly. I stared at her curiously for some seconds before caressing her back with my right hand, while thinking of what next to say to her.

“don’t worry yourself. Just go back to sleep my dear. I’m alright” she begged once again.

“of course you know i can’t. It’s either we go back to sleep together or nothing” i said seriously. She breathed deeply, nodded and slowly fell back on the bed. I gently laid beside her and caressed her stomach.

“please my love for the sake of this baby don’t get yourself worked up. Please let’s not lose him” i begged.

Very early the next morning, i headed out to the catholic church where i did my last confession a couple of months ago. I badly needed to talk to the Reverend father once again through confession. I badly needed answers and i hopefully prayed that he would be more explanatory this time around.

Scene: Catholic church chapel

“so father all i just told you is all that happened after my last confession. I need answers. I’m so confused. My wife really is now a shadow of herself. What can i do to end this nightmare” i begged after pouring out my heart to the good priest.

“My son i remember your last confession and just like i told you then. I don’t see the child nor her mother in your future. But oh yes the child is yours and you have to accept every responsibility. Don’t deny the child anything, and i say once again don’t deny the child anything. Children are gift from God and you shouldn’t insult our Lord by rejecting his gift. You tried reshaping the wonderful destiny you had but luckily you realised your folly before it got very late. Treat the girl like your own sister and equally give your wife the respect and Love she deserves. You will get your job back but be careful with it” he advised strongly before giving me some bibles verses and prayer points.

I returned to my house minutes later more worried than the first time i seeked the priest’s help. Of course he was more direct this time around by saying that Comfort’s child is mine while still adding that the child and her mother isn’t in my future.

“What sort of future am i even to expect?

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Episode 3

9:30am, Caleb’s Apartment

I slowly enjoyed the bread, tea and egg my wife Jessica served me, nodding my head as i devoured the wonderful breakfast.
Jessica waited on me calmly, asking no questions until i was done with the meal.

“so what’s up?, did you get the answers you went searching for?” she asked curiously. I breathed deeply and shrugged, returning her look. We silently stared at each other for some seconds before i cleared my throat.

“The Priest really got me more confused this time around than in the previous occasion i needed his words. He told me that Comfort’s baby is mine but still confirmed that neither the child nor the mother is in my future, which i find so hard to interpret. Okay lets assume that the priest’s words will all come to past, what do you think can erase comfort and her child from our life if not death?” i poured out desperately while my wife stared at me silently, saying nothing as she pondered over my words. I reached forward and grabbed her hand.

“my love please say something. I beg of you” i demanded. She shook her head, her face quickly colouring up.

“i don’t know what to say nor believe. I equally can’t tell you not to believe the priest’s words. Though i never knew catholic priests now sees visions” she said a bit coldly, forcing me to stare at her with concern but before i could say anything further, my phone rang, drawing our attention. I slowly reached for it.

“hello Mr Azubuike, my name is Victor Moses from Vanguard newspaper. Please i really will so much love to have a short interview with you, concerning the latest news surrounding your affair with a student. Please i hope you will have the time to tell us your side of the story?” he pushed on, getting me more annoyed with each word he said. I bit my lips with rage and threw my phone away, shocking my wife with my action.

“now they want to make fortune out of my predicament. Fools” i hissed while she drew closer and held me.

“who called, what happened?” she asked.

“d##n journalists” i breathed.

“dear lord” she gasped. I quickly controlled my temper and smiled at her.

“don’t worry my love. I got things under control. There is this girl i helped out last year. She’s a senator’s daughter and she owes me a favour. I think i told you about her last year do you remember?” i asked while she kept quiet as she thought over my words.

” I will reach out to her and get her to help me out. With her father’s influence, i believe i will get my job back. You know everything in this country is all about politics” i said with all seriousness but unfortunately my wife wasn’t pleased with what i just told her. In fact she frowned as she listened to my words.

“oh dear Lord, don’t tell me you are trying to get involved with another single lady?” was all that escaped her lips, making me a bit embarrassed.

“my love please don’t sound that way” i begged softly, regretting telling her my plans.

“if your plan means bringing another single lady into our life, then i’m totally against it” she poured out, turned and left the dinning room without another word.
I shook my head as i watched her leave. Only if she knew how much i was suffering. Of course i also knew she was suffering as well but with the way she behaved, I just didn’t know what to do anymore without hurting her feelings.

It’s always good to be honest and open to your wife but sometimes there are things you better keep to yourself….

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Episode 4

Few minutes later i got up and joined Jessica in our bedroom. I sat calmly beside her on the bed and held her hands cautiously.

“My love, i do understand your fear and feelings, but you have to trust me on this one. Not every single lady out there is bad and desperate like Comfort. There are still good ones. Please my love listen to me” i begged solemnly. She kept quiet for some seconds before looking straight into my eyes.

“now what do you want me to do?” she asked with resignation.

“your support. I just need your support, my love” i begged. She simply stared at me saying nothing, which forced me to draw forward and kiss her gently. She blushed

“Tomorrow, i will go talk with your dad, and discuss the new plan with him. You know he also has a very big role to play for me” i added while she breathed deeply and nodded.

“fine, you have my support” she accepted with a faint smile which showed me that she still wasn’t totally convinced with all i tabled before her. I kept my feelings to myself and slowly reached for her breasts, fondling them and getting her aroused. In no time we were kissing and fondling each other with great intensity.
We ended up having great s#x.

Early the next morning, i headed out to see my father in law. He was about driving out when i got to his compound, and he really wasn’t pleased that i didn’t inform him before coming. He wasted no time in telling me his mind while i apologized meekly before telling him the reason i showed up very early in the day.

“yea i know the Senator very well. He enjoys a very cordial relationship with the state governor. I believe you are on the right track by seeking his help. If he agrees to help you and steps foot on your case, plus the pressure i’m still putting in the school on your behalf, i believe you will get your job back in few weeks. Just keep me informed with any progress you make and also don’t do anything stupid with the Senator’s daughter. Of course I know how it feels to be a handsome young man like you” he said with a smile. I laughed, shook hands with him and left.
I really was glad that i had both my wife and his influencial dad on my side before moving over to the next stage of my ambigious plan.

Getting in touch with the Senator’s daughter was way too easier than i expected. She was doing her National Youth service programme in Abuja but was in the state for a short holiday when i reached out to her. Of course she already was aware of my situation and never even allowed me to say a word when she answered my phone call before sympatizing with me, telling me all she read in newspapers and online about my situation. I cashed in on the opportunity and told her that i needed her help.
She quickly accepted to help me without asking any embarrassing question and I ended up inviting her to my house for the big discussion which she also accepted.

Of course the main reason i invited the girl to my house was for my wife to be present throughout the duration of our conversation. In order for her to witness first hand all that was going on, because I very much knew that even though she had forgiven me over the mistake i made with Comfort, that the trust she once had on me was still yet to return.
Moreover I still was scared of what the future had in store for me notwithstanding the perfect plan i had.

To be sincere to you guys, i had the believe that the devil won’t just sit idle and watch me redeem myself so easily. I still felt that the evil wind of misfortune was still very much around me.

Only time would tell.

Episode 5

The senator’s daughter showed up at my house the following evening and in the presence of my wife, i told her my story, keeping nothing but little details to myself.

Just like i described in the first part of this story, the girl was a very matured young lady which made opening up to her a little easy for me. Moreover desperation takes away all atom of shame when you are out of options. And of course i was very desperate. Yes very, very desperate.

“you have quite a very long and interesting story sir. I will talk to my dad tonight, and if he’s willing to help you, i will give you a call to come over to our house tomorrow. Your case is just a small one to him” she promised after listening patiently while i thanked her with all my heart.
I also couldn’t help but be pleased with the help i gave to her the previous year. Seriously i never knew she would help me one day.

“so what now?” my wife asked as soon as she left. I breathed deeply and shrugged.

“let’s just wait and hope for her call my dear” i answered. She reached forward and held my hand.

“seriously i really still don’t buy the idea of you going through all these length just to keep your lecturing job. Don’t you think perhaps your destiny is set in another job?” she breathed with great concern. I smiled and kissed her reassuringly.

Early the next day, the senator’s daughter called me on phone. I was overly excited as i answered her call. My heart pounded loudly.

“you can come over to the house by 2pm, my dad is ready to help you. Please don’t come a minute late, i beg of you” she said seriously, leaving a happy smile on my face with the news. Of course i had great hope in the old senator, because I very well knew what a politician like him could do for me.

By 2pm i was already in the Senator’s mansion, very anxious and a bit nervous. His daughter dutifully showed up and led me to his study.

“just act cool, my dad can be annoying sometimes” she whispered to me before disappearing, leaving me all alone in the study. I however didn’t stay alone for too long. The senator soon appeared, looking very serious and unfriendly. I nervously greeted him while he nodded in acknowledgement as he studied me slowly.

“young man, for the record you should know i don’t entertain embarrassing situations like yours, but i’m just helping for the sake of my daughter. Now spill your story and be fast” he said with a very authoritative tone.

I told him my story from the very beginning to the end, hiding nothing. When i was done, he breathed deeply and stared at me seriously.

“now listen up, you have to make a move like a politician. First package your story very well, talk with your Comfort, get her to your side and also get her to collaborate it all. Lastly, talk to the press and leave the rest to me” he said while i smiled with great relief.

“but don’t smile yet because with your story, i see Comfort as a very desperate lady and with my experience in politics, i know getting her to collaborate your story will make you reaching a new deal with her. You can’t win this game without her to back you up openly and i sure know she will definitely cash in on it. I only pity your wife” he concluded and got up, leaving me totally weak as his words took over my entire body.
Of course the old man was very right.

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7 years ago


7 years ago

wat a beautiful story, really I do enjoy it thanks

7 years ago

Wow am just in love with the story,it’s very educative

7 years ago

I can’t find episode 15

3 months ago

Just seeing this masterpiece.. mehn , this story is so good.. you did well! Was intrigued to the very end

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