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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 1 – 50)


Life as a corper

Episode 46

“dear petite, my chapter with chinwe has been closed long ago which you very well know” i answered with a convincing smile,

“but i just don’t know what to believe anymore” she murmured.

“i’m hungry” i muttered and looked away, changing the topic, while she stood up with both hands on her waist,

“sure you didn’t apologize because you are hungry?” she asked and smiled,

“mmmhhh is it a crime?” i asked jokingly,

“see you head naughty boy, there is bread on the dinning table, you can help yourself with it” she replied,

“what of my lunch?” i asked,

“i’ll return before 2pm, though i’ll first check my aunt for your nysc stuff, there is banana in the fridge or you can boil eggs and eat while you wait for me” she responded.

“i don hear, but also have it in mind that i will be having either ogbono or egusi soup for lunch” i added jokingly even though i meant it. She eyed me,

“mr man, i’m not yet your wife, you are just a visitor, so you will have to manage anything i give you” she held my jaw and muttered with a mischievous look.

“i don tell you ooo” i smiled and muttered seriously,

“but baby joke apart, i can’t prepare such soup this afternoon, we may end up having a late lunch, you will have your soup for dinner” she kissed my cheek and explained before leaving for work.

I soon became restless after spending an hour alone in the house, i logged into n——-d, read some stories as a guest {literature section} and thought about myself, wondering whether i even could write a letter without terrorizing English words.

Just like most of my friends, i hardly do have time reading stories or long “write-ups” {however I do speak like an average nigerian graduate, though sometimes i mix my grammar with pidgin/ Igbo}

“hey xup” Elinor greeted as soon as i answered her phone call,

“cool dear, how is work going?” i asked,

“fine sha, so where are we meeting today?” she asked,

“i don’t really know any place” i lied,

“okay how about where we met yesterday evening?” she asked,

“the place is cool, though i can’t promise anything yet till 4pm, i’m currently at my uncle’s house waiting for him to return from work” i lied again,

“no problem, 4pm is okay, later dear, bye ” she muttered and hung up, while I jolted as the door bell rang that same moment.

I quietly opened the door for Adaora who walked into the sitting room with a tired look and a large polythene bag on her right hand.

“aunt Martha didn’t even show up at her office today, but she said she has done your stuff sha” she spoke as she entered the kitchen. I polietly helped her carry the polythene bag, and gently followed her like a child.

“dear i really spent quite sometime waiting for her, before her phone number eventually went through, i can’t even describe how angry i was when she told me she wouldn’t be coming to her office today due to an emergency” she murmured. “the lady we met at her office yesterday was equally there, waiting for her” she added as she washed a guava which she gave me.

I quickily hid my surprise and stared at her speechlessly, unable to mutter anything,

“she even dropped me at the market after we left my aunt’s office together, she’s a very kind lady, though i hate the way she stares at people, seriously her eyes are very scary, she just keep looking at me like a lesbian” she rattled, while my thoughts consumed me.

“d–n i thought Elinor told me she was at work, how could she be at two places the same time?, or even fail to mention about Adaora, or didn’t she recognize her?,” i wondered, “or are we both lying to each other?” i asked myself.

“oga should i start cooking the soup or should i prepare a quick lunch?” Adaora soon asked, instantly breaking me away from my thoughts,

“i think you should rest dear” i answered sweetly, while she shook her head and smiled at me.

My mind quickily raced back to the card Elinor gave me the previous day, which i never did read the contents apart from her phone number and name which i managed to glance at.

“is she really working with the ministry of Agriculture?” i wondered suspiciously. But i couldn’t leave the kitchen that moment to check out the card, without Adaora’s feminine instinct whispering naughty thoughts into her ears.

I swallowed hard and uneasily waited for the right moment.

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Episode 47

“but are you very hungry?” Adaora asked, holding my left hand softly,

“baby i already told you to get some rest, let’s manage snacks this afternoon, you can then prepare soup later, okay¿” i muttered and kissed her. She shrugged and breathed deeply, while I gently carried her to her room like a little child.

“hmmm so you have such strength in you?” she teased. I calmly dropped her on the bed, laid beside her with a smile and played with her hair. I seriously couldn’t wait to be free from her, in order to sort out my thoughts, but i had no choice than to first fulfil my obligations to her.

“let me go and get some snacks across the street” i murmured and kissed her,

“just buy only for yourself, i’m not hungry” she closed her eyes and said to me,

“okay dear, i also will be going over to my sister’s place by 4:15pm, she asked me to come” i added quietly,

“hope all is fine?” she asked and opened her eyes,

“yea i guess mum told her about our little fight yesterday” i lied convincingly,

“should i call her?” she asked with concern,

“no don’t bother dear” i caressed her face and replied.

Minutes later, i kissed her forehead and left her to sleep.

I quickily rushed to the other room, opened my travelling bag and brought out the card Elinor gave me the previous day. Just like she said, the card carried the ministry of Agriculture insignia. I shrugged, shook my head and kept the card back in my bag.

“so how is it going to be?” Elinor asked as soon as she answered my phone-call, moments later,

“i’ll be there by 4:30PM” i announced,

“hope you can find your way without an escort?” she asked,

“hehehehe yea” i laughed and answered.


I ran into her at dream chicken’s entrance door,

“hmmm i guess we are both on time” i joked while she laughed. She wore a dark sunglass, white short sleeved shirt and blue plain trouser, just like someone from work_{place}.

” you ain’t looking bad” she muttered as we walked into the restaurant. I smiled and winked at her.

“so have you been redeployed?” she asked as we ate rice moments later,

“not really, the woman helping me didn’t show up in her office today” i replied as i searched her face, but her facial expression still remained the same, very calm and blank. She never mentioned anything about seeing Adaora.

“so apart from searching for a good job after nysc, have you ever thought of other ways to earn cash?” she asked searchingly,

“not really, though i have thought of self employment, but you know it requires good capital, innovation, some training and good exposure to start” i muttered,

“so you mean you can’t be self employed?” she curiously asked,

“no you misunderstood me” i replied and smiled,

“there are still job opportunities out there, which can make you your own boss without even any capital hope you know?” she asked, while i scoffed,

“anyway let’s forget about it for now, in due time i will show you ‘what’s running’ this town and you will thank me for it” she concluded with a pointed look and smile,

“so how about getting to know my residence, i believe it’s our first step” she asked with a seductive smile, while i instantly was at loss whether to accept or decline, due to time factor, because i really didn’t know how much time i might end up spending at her house.

My safety wasn’t my concern that moment because i wasn’t that scared of her, even though i felt that she wasn’t really attracted to me for romance, which gave me a weird feeling.

With crossed fingers i made up my mind to play chess with her…

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Episode 48

“i know you must be wondering why i picked interest in you” she asked with a smile as she drove towards her house. I smiled, shrugged with a shoulder and kept quiet.

“i just like your statue, especially your height and eyes” she added, while i blushed and looked the other way,

“so what’s so peculiar about my height and eyes?” i asked,

“you large eyes are quite extraordinary, and it’s very hard to find guys with such eyes” she replied, while i smiled and kept quiet as i quickily remembered my childhood {days} when i was often teased{yabbed} because of them.

“so how old are you?” she asked,

“26” i lied,

“hmmm seriously you look younger than your age” she muttered and glanced at me,

“that’s the result of healthy living, i don’t smoke, take alcohol or stress myself” i answered convincingly. She just smiled and drove on.

We finally arrived at her house, which was just twelve minutes drive from the fastfood joint {we met}. We walked into the sitting room, where two girls { younger than her} were engrossed with ludo game. They instantly looked up with searching eyes.
I felt extremely uncomfortably, shy and kind of embarrassed. I thought she was living alone.

“babes meet my corper friend Val” she introduced,

“hi val” they chorused, while i sluggishly shook hands with them before settling down on an empty chair,

“let’s go to my room dear” she muttered seconds later. I calmly obeyed and followed her to a very large room. A room large enough to fit in as a sitting room.

I sat on a small couch which was close to her window, and crossed my legs as if i was relaxed,

“so what do you think about my friends?” she asked as she brought out a ‘FIVE ALIVE” juice from a small fridge,

“they are friendly and cool” i replied,

“ain’t they s#xy and beautiful?” she asked with a searching look,

“well they are okay” i replied polietly,

“so have you ever done something with a girl who is older than you?” she asked curiously as she handed me the drink, {placed a glass cup on a small stool beside me}

“yea my first girlfriend gave me two years, we dated for a year and few months during my campus days” i replied with a smile,

“hmmm i guess it was a terrible experience?” she asked,

“no an educative one” i murmured and drank the juice. She quietly sat beside me, held my left hand softly. I stared curiously at her with a fast beating heart.

“how good are you?” she asked with a pointed look,

“hmmm i don’t understand” i mumured,

“do you have a girlfriend?” she asked,

“nope” i lied,

“why?” she curiously inquired,

“i hate being tied down, when i’m not yet ready to marry, besides maintaining a girl isn’t easy these days, and i do hate insults” i lied. she breathed deeply, stood up, reached for her handbag and brought out a picture, which she handed to me.

“what do you have to say about her? ” she asked, while my eyes burned as they stared at the picture…

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Episode 49

“she’s cute” i replied quietly as i stared at the young woman in the picture probably in her late twenties if not more. However She really was very s#xy and attractive. I couldn’t help but wonder which direction Elinor was heading.

“she’s very rich and classy, even much more beautiful than you see in this picture, a business lady who owns two large beauty salons, a boutique and two supermarkets” she advertised,

“hmmm she’s quite rich” i murmured,

“yea and i will like you to meet her, i already told her about you and she can’t wait to grace her eyes upon you” she muttered as she caressed my shoulder. I instantly gasped in shock.

“but what for? isn’t she married?” i asked after i found my voice, while my brain busied itself with putting her motives together,

“is she arranging me for her” i asked myself fearfully,

“hmmm well she is a divorcee with two small kids, she married very early, probably at 23, but i bet you will like her, she’s a good friend of mine” she explained.

“seriously i’m not cut out for that kind of thing” i murmured uneasily, “my friend obinna, the guy i came with the first time we met at the fastfood joint can do all you want to perfection” i added.

“i detest that guy, he looks like a con artist, didn’t you notice how hungrily he was staring at me that day? Moreover my friend will have a heart attack simply by looking at him, but someone like you, very calm, calculative, respectful and intelligent will bring her to her knees” she cajoled,

I breathed deeply lost in thought. I seriously havn’t even gotten the courage to date a single lady like Elinor more or less her married friend whose husband may even be dead, because i knew divorcee is also a term most commonly used for young widows as well as ladies who prefer being single mothers {other than getting married}.

“but you know i may not be staying for long in this city” i reminded her,

“yea and that makes you very much the ideal guy. You see, my friend is very reserved and hates scandals very much, that’s the main reason she refused to have any affair with guys in her class, but someone like you who won’t be very much around is very ideal, because you will only visit whenever she invites you” she explained with a sweet smile, while i shrugged and looked away. The only question in my mind that moment was,

should i accept or decline?

Episode 50

please give me time to think about it” i murmured,

“hmmm what’s there to think about, you already told me that you don’t have a girlfriend” she muttered,

“yea but you know involving myself with a working class lady with kids, is really way much more than ordinary romance” i replied,

“okay you win, i will call you tomorrow to get your reply, also know that you stand to benefit alot from this” she said with a smile. I returned her smile confidently as if i was very strong at heart.
“hey sis did Adaora call you over the phone?” i asked my sister as soon as i entered a cab heading home,

“nope, is everything alright?” she curiously asked,

“yea dear, it’s just that i told her i was coming over to your place this evening, so please cover for me incase she calls” i begged,

“ok sir, no wahala” she accepted…

I calmly walked into the compound, rang the door bell and waited for her to let me in. She opened the entrance door, seconds later with a calm smile on her face. I pecked her, walked into the sitting room and settled down on a long couch with a tired and hungry look.

She quietly sat beside me and rested her head on my chest,

“so how is she? you really spent a whole lot of time with her” she asked,

“she’s fine, though very angry that you are yet to serve me dinner” i joked,

“oh yea, mmmmm what should i say” she murmured,

“don’t say anything” i replied with a smile as my left hand slowly made for her boso.ms,

“abegi free me jor” she murmured and pushed my hand away,

“mmmhhh you smell different” she asked and sat up suspiciously,

“so how am i smelling?” i asked jovially even though my heart beat increased slightly due to guilty conscience,

“feminine” she replied,

“and where am i just coming from?” i asked with a smile,

“from your sister’s offcourse, but she dosen’t use the kind of perfume i’m percieving from you, though the scent is kind of familiar” she murmured searchingly,

“you can ask her when she changed her perf. nah, isn’t she your fellow girl, how should it concern me, abeg is dinner ready?” i asked and yawned. Her slowly eyes melted.

“you ran away instead of helping me, now you want to eat abi?” she jokingly muttered, stood up and walked to the kitchen.

My conversation with Elinor crept back into my mind as we ate dinner, slowly stealing my soul. I was soon lost in my thoughts, while my empty body faced Adaora.

Surely Elinor’s offer really appeared attractive, but for someone like me, i couldn’t find any reason or excuse to accept it apart from the fun and experience which i might get. But accepting such proposal could mean throwing away my life and future with Adaora, a future mum had so much invested on. if i eventually get caught. What a disgrace it would be. I reasoned and shivered with disgust,

“i will call frank tonight, i think i can use his controversial advice” i concluded,

“baby are you alright? You look very sick and lost” i heard Adaora ask with concern and fear in her eyes.

“only if she could read my thoughts” i muttered to myself with a faint smile, which alarmed her more.

“why ain’t you eating, what’s going on with you?” she asked searchingly….


The End.
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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 1 – 50)

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4 years ago

Mr Rock pls upload Perception of Reality.


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