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Erotic Story/ Grace, The House Girl: Grace finds naughty Bro. Cornelius at the back in church


The man in the new shop has been giving her gifts whenever she comes to buy things at his shop, he’s always smiling and praising her in Hausa and she enjoys it. She got home and mixed the pap with the sugar she bought and served everyone. After breakfast she cleared and washed the plates…

“Mallam give me sugar 50 naira” Grace said

“Toh sarauniyan mata” he said

He gave her the sugar in a black nylon but when she checked they was a body spray inside the nylon too, she smiled up at him, thanked him and left.

The man in the new shop has been giving her gifts whenever she comes to buy things at his shop, he’s always smiling and praising her in Hausa and she enjoys it. She got home and mixed the pap with the sugar she bought and served everyone. After breakfast she cleared and washed the plates while everyone started going about their day business.

When the house was empty she got dressed in her uniform and headed out to the tailor shop.

Work was slow and boring, her madam kept complaining about her stitches, she was more than excited when the day was over. She got home and did her chores before getting ready to go for Bible study. She got there late and sat at the back, the Bible study was going good and she actually paid attention, turning around she saw brother Cornelius sliding through the chair to come sit besides her

“How far, happy new year” He whispered

“Happy New year, how come you’re late” She asked

He told her he got stuck helping someone which was why he was late, she shifted closer to him and the thought of the last time she fucked him in the back room of the church, she let her hands slide and rest on his lap.

She could feel him tense up, his attention still focused on the Bible study, her hands slid up stopping on top of his crotch, his breathing got faster as she squeezed his crotch gently. A smile spread across her face as she looked around before carefully unzipping his trouser, he looked around nervously and she dipped her hand into his trouser and pull his dick out.

Stroking gently, she shifted closer to him, she spat on her hand before returning to stroke his dick up and down, he tensed up holding unto the chair tightly. She pumped faster enjoying how he was trying hard not to make a sound, her movement got faster and faster squeezing the head harder before stroking to the base of his dick.

She heard him muffle a sound and she intensify her movement till he came trying not to make any sound, she licked the cum on her hand smiling at his wide eyes. Leaning beside his ear

“Follow me” She whispered

She quietly stood up carrying her book and her Bible and went outside, she waited for him in the shadows. Just as she was about to give up on waiting she saw him come outside, she called to him and she lead him to a dark side of the back of the church.

Her back to the wall she took off her pant and pull him into her, she kissed him hard and took his hand to her pussy, his fingers slipped into her wet pussy and she started to grind against his fingers bucking faster and faster against his fingers.

She frantically tried to unbuckle his trouser as his fingers slid in and out of her slick pussy, he unbuckled his trouser and pulled down his trouser, he guided and pushed his dick into her waiting pussy, she parted her legs to grant him more access. He started to move in and out of her grunting as he did, she lifted her leg and wrapped it around him

“Oh my God oh my” He moaned

He slammed in harder grunting in gibberish

“Oh mine oh ahh ehh” he moaned louder

His movement got faster and he grabbed her breast squeezing hard

“Oh glory” He said squeezing her breast harder

She slammed harder and faster, as he moaned louder while she bucked against him. Her pussy gripped his dick tightly as she came her juices dripping, he moved faster their movement making a lot of sounds

“Na who dey there” They heard

They quickly disentangled from each other, he buckled his trouser and they quickly held hands

“Amen” Grace said as the footsteps got closer

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